The have a huge problem, not based on the numbers of abusers, past or present...but because they continue to stick their head in the sand and refuse to do anything substantial about it.
Buying off, er, settling lawsuits with clauses clamping the mouths of the reciepients of the money is not how you deal with the problem. That's covering up.
If they were serious about protecting children and exposing wrongdoing they would change policies and procedures.
The fact that they don't, based on some misplaced belief that they are God's Earthly Organization, is what makes this a huge problem. No, it may not be on the scale of the Catholic church, or on the scale that Bill Bowen would like you to believe, but the fact that it continues with no real overhaul of a broken system makes them culpable.
Whether one child is victimized or thousands, or whether one abuser gets away or thousands...the inadequate policies of the WTS make this a situation that will not get better over time, but get worse. And if the potential exists for things to get worse instead of improve, it's a huge problem.