(((Positive or negative, our minds and how we think of ourselves is heavily influenced by others telling us about ourselves. We are only a reflection of our many influences in life.)))
<<<True to a point. If we accept that "we are only a reflection" - this gives no merit to the inner person some feel we are born with. And would seemingly condemn as worth death, the ugly, not intelligent nor loved, among us. George Orwell's 1984 revisited.>>>
I guess I didn't make my statement clear enough, thanks for pointing it out. I did not mean that we are doomed to stay a reflection of the influences in our life but they definitely play a big role in how we think and react to things. To remain only in that reflection is indeed a negative position to go through life with. What I was trying to say, but did not say it well enough is that as we grow to adulthood few people are completely that inner person that we were born as. We are made up of, and react to, things with the influences in our lives taking main stage. Thus we reflect the traits and thoughts of others.
For those who take time to realize this and choose to become independent in thought and manner they must first realize that they may indeed be reacting as they are programed to and not as they really choose to react. It is that inner person you speak of that needs to be found. It is that voice inside each and every one of us that we are taught not to listen to that is trying to tell us who we are. It takes realization of who you became because of our influences and acceptance of the fact that it has made us who we may be, but not who we really are. Once it is recognized and then accepted as a fact then we can begin to change it.
I did not mean that we must accept it and live with it. What I meant to say is we must accept it as a fact and then deal with it. Many people will not accept that many of the negative personality traits that they have were developed in them by other peoples influence. This influential programing is something that for the most part becomes hard wired into our minds and it is hard to understand that it is not our doing. Denying that it exists is denying that it can be dealt with.
Many people are not as heavily influenced by others so it is easier for them to shed past influences. Just as it is that we remember the worst things that happened to us as kids as opposed to the average everyday things that we long forgot, it is the same in the hard wired programing. We tend to develop the worst influences as we grow older because they are the ones that have effected us the most. Admitting that you may have these is just the first step to changing them. Accepting that we have them does not mean we accept them and keep them. We accept them for what they are and how they influence us only to the point of accepting them as a fault that we wish to change. Not accepting them is to deny they exist. If you do that, it makes it hard to change something you do not accept exists.
Sorry for the long response. I get this way when I'm doing ten things at one time. I would edit it and cut it down but it takes too long.
Again, thanks for pointing out my comment so I could clarify it.
Take care,