hi again larc,
Well,yes maybe you didn't find it but others have.And his critics most certainly stae that. Why don't you check that out when you have access to that database? It's there.And no he never blew Freud away.
And yes you won't find me in 39. I am a student affiliate. In fact it's eerie you mentioned that as I received notification that i'm late on several division renewals.(thanks for reminding me)
And since you're checking,see if im listed in Div49 Group Psychotherapy as that membership is current lol.BTW,you need to be a member to access that info.
So you must agree that blacks are intellictually inferior?
you agree smoking doesn't cause lung cancer?
You agree all human actions are not within the realm of human consciousness?
you agree that there is a physiological explanation for every disorder?
You seem extremely biased reagrding this and not at all open and objective . not the hallmark of a scientist,is it?
And yes my notes clear on factor analysis.
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.