Who designed cancer?

by snare&racket 148 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Natural Killer cells do indeed attack cancer cells. But this is a HUGE oversimplification.

    The point we are making is that all cancer requires multifactoral malfunction. The immune system, the cell proliferation mechanism, the tissue degeneration proteins, angiogenesis for nourishment... all of these go wrong for a cancer to succeed. Its a very complex and random event. However despite requiring all these systems to malfunction, cancer exist due to gene mutations occuring billions of times a day. Its the equivelant of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, wearing the wrong clothes and saying the wrong thing. But despite the small chance.. it occurs regularly as genes are read wrongly so often. So who designed all this ? A disgusting cun* of a god? ......Nah we know how cancer came about.

    Fixing the immune response by prehaps increasing NK cell efficiency does not rid the world of cancer.

    You are mistaking the fact that immunity is involved with the misunderstanding that immunity is the cause and means of stopping it.

    Please stop trying to asert this as I dont believe you think this. Its totally untrue.

  • Vidqun

    Thanks Tammy and BTS for your input. At this point I am still formulating a (new) belief system and every bit helps, yes even the negative criticism. I am open to constructive criticism. If I find that I am wrong, I will definitely change my tune, be assured of that. At this point in time I am only interested in the (real) truth of the matter, not the canned version of the Watchtower.

    S&R and Cofty, we agree to disagree. S&R, you did ask that I backup my arguments by means of a reputable source. Another thing. Just to clear up a point. I did not mean the perfect immune system will prevent all types of cancer. Sorry if it came over that way. What I meant was that cancer has to do with damage, genetic deterioration as well as old age. That's why I mentioned the causes of genetic damage. When youngsters or babies contract cancer, it would mean that genetic deterioration or damage had set at a much earlier time.

  • snare&racket

    “With a perfect immune system, you would be able to ward off any disease.”

    but after a bit of education...

    " I did not mean the perfect immune system will prevent all types of cancer."

    Yeah my answers have not really been for the benefit of you, I mean no offence, but it was for others that have read your claims. To say we agree to disagree is to claim the issue is 50/50 in each of our favour. But that is not the case. Your ideas are based on feelings and a theory based on your belief in the Jewish deity. I am defending scientific investigations.

    But lets agree to accept not everyone respects scientific method. It would prehaps be fairer when you next claim to have a scientific approach to life, to state that your version of scientific method does not include "S ystematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses." This being how the rest of the world defines scientific approach.

    I wish you a happy holiday, and much human love and compassion, truly I do ;) x

    Snare X

  • botchtowersociety
    The point we are making is that all cancer requires multifactoral malfunction.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    This is an interesting explore.

    I find it massively interesting to watch the fundies scramble to discredit solid science in favor of dreamy 'faith'.

    Let's just face it - Once rib-woman dared to seek knowledge without permission from her loving god/daddy who would be later credited with murder of several million of her descendents - she created all this evil. How could science really overcome that SOLID argument?


  • Knowsnothing
    Or who designed the ecosystem to renew itself (the food chain)?
    Who designed sharp teeth to bite into flesh and crush bone?
    Or who designed the universe to eventually suffer heat death?
    The list goes on and on.

    This bears repeating. Take a closer look at "design".

  • Twitch

    Knowsnothing sees something of some note, reminiscent of

    You keep avoiding the OP question: "Who designed cancer?" (and other horible diseases)
    If it was designed, who designed it? If it evolved, then say so. If you don't know, just say you don't know. Very simple.

    Simple is a hard concept to grasp, to wit;

    Do you know how evolution works? It depends on error. Evolution depends on genetic mutation, i.e. the protein reading the dna code making mistakes (among other similar means) this provides diversity in genes and a means for organisms to develop mutations that may prove advantageous to their enviroment. The very same process creates disease and illness.
    E.g. if an enviroment gets colder, an animal that by freak mutation has a thicker coat will dominate the gene pool.

    which begs the question, naturally

    So here is the obvious question, you cant have evolution without disease..... how can god be behind it all ? The biblical story doesnt fit.

    However, the most important question I have here is to the following

    "How do you guys explain how the banana fits perfectly in one's hand?" Ok then, how do you explain how the banana fits perfectly in one's ass?

    I understand that a banana "fits" one's hand as it's a fair assumption that we've all held one. My question is how is it known that a banana fits in one's ass at all, never mind perfectly?

    PS just kidding on the last one, sarcasm is a weakness of mine :)

  • tec

    Thanks Tammy and BTS for your input. At this point I am still formulating a (new) belief system and every bit helps, yes even the negative criticism

    You're welcome, of course. We are all on a journey, and discussions can help us to see something we might not have considered on our own. I would suggest that if you want to get to the truth of a matter, (and you do have the faith for it) that you look toward the truth (who is Christ) for answers and help in understanding. The rest of us are just going on our best understanding according to the info we have at hand.

    Cofty, I enjoy our discussions as well... we're just coming at this from two opposing spectrums ;) I hope that you are staying strong (no doubt you are). My thoughts and hopes are with you, and your loved ones.

    Peace to you,


  • Knowsnothing

    Twitch, I don't know if you're pulling my leg with that last question. I honestly would not like to know if any one has "experimented".

    Anyways, the whole point of the banana illustration is to show that God "created it" to be that way, perfect for human consumption. That's already been disproven before. Bananas are sterile fruit, they cannot reproduce on their own. They are that way because they are a hybrid, bred specifically for human consumption.

    In other words, a banana fits well into a human's hands because 1.) they were cultivated that way by humans and 2.) it is a coincidence that the banana is shaped that way.

  • Twitch

    Just kidding there. Apologies if it's offensive or taken as a dig on anyone in general.

    I agree with your appraisal of the question at hand.

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