WT Mar 15th 2012 - 144,000 no longer a literal number?

by dozy 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • reslight2

    One thing that I began to realize when I was with the JWs is that doctrine is most often formed, or changed, according to what is expedient to the organization, not necessarily as a result of serious Bible study. "What is best for the organization" seemed to be the controlling factor. When I read Raymond Franz' book, Crisis of Conscience, it became clear that my thoughts were correct.

    I can remember how the JWs criticized me for studying what they called "old light." "Light" itself, as from God, is without error. Error is darkness, not light. Thus, there can be no such thing as "old light" that contradicts "new light". Consecrated Christians may be hindered in understanding the light that is given to them from the Bible due to errors, but that does not mean that any errors they have are part of the "light" of God. Once one rids oneself of an error, that error was not old light from God, it was part of the darkness that has come due to Satan's blinding influence over the world. A Christian, however, does have to grow in knowledge -- if he submits to what God has provided through his spirit in the Bible, he will be discarding the old darkness as he grows; one can grow in knowledge, however, that takes one away from the knowledge of God into the errors of man. I believe, however, that most of the consecrated never grow much in the actual word of God, for they often cannot study the Word without filtering it through the traditions of man, and thus remain as babes in Christ all of their lives.

  • Mary
    jameswood said: I can honestly tell you that in a congregation overseers school in 1970, I was told directly (in class) by former GB member Albert Schroeder that when "new light" was about to be revealed, the writing department would get letters from the annointed all over the world with the rudiments of the idea.

    Yep, I believe he would say something that retarded. Yet didn't Ray mention in CoC that the GB never consulted with any 'anointed' ones with regards to doctrinal issues (or anything else for that matter)? Let's see, who would I believe more: Ray Franz or Albert Schroeder?

  • wasblind

    " How many are there that partake ? Jesus said that only a

    " little flock " would recieve the heavenly kingdom as their

    reward. ( Luke 12 : 32 ) The full number would be 144,000.

    ( Rev. 14 : 1-3 ) That group began to be selected in 33 C.E.

    Reasonably, there would be only a small number partaking now."

    ________ reasoning book page 268

    Ya think ?????

  • Quandry

    Note that a key qualification was made in the case referred to in the question: "In the province of Egypt alone, 144,000 such professed Christians died by violence in the course of this persecution, in addition to another 700,000 who died as a result of fatigues encountered in banishment or under enforced public works." The victims are identified as "professed Christians", not Christians in fact. Many of those persons might have been caught in the wave of persecution, but may never have actually preached the truth or followed in Jesus' footsteps, being only professed Christians. They knew the world they lived in was rotten and they were listening to the message of the Christians and willing to die for it even though not in line for the high calling in Christ Jesus.

    How insulting for the WTS to judge these people thusly.

    Notice the use of words "might have been" and "may never have." If they were not in live for the "high calling in Christ Jesus" and the heavenly hope was the only one open to them until Rutherford came along and identified the great multitude, where do they go? Why couldn't I have pondered these things over thirty years ago?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well they can poo poo the numbers of those who died by persecutuion of one sort or another. (844K?) What about those who lived in peace. Are they going to call them professed christians as well? So apparently the majority of Christians before the existance of JW's were merely, "professed", although numbering in the millions

  • simon17

    Hopefully they can make this change pretty quickly because as a Memorial attender for the family, its really annoying to hear a hour long talk about Jesus' death be 90% ON WHY NO ONE HERE TONIGHT WILL LIKELY PARTAKE and oh yeah, 10% on this sacrifice thing that happened.

  • slimboyfat

    It's bound to happen sooner or later. It would be the second of Greg Stafford's recommendations to be adopted if it comes to pass, those recommendations included the following:

    1. Drop 1935 as the cut off date for the anointed. (Since adopted)

    2. Interpret the 144,000 as a symbolic number.

    3. Drop 1914 and related chronology.

    4. Make blood transfusion a conscience issue.

    5. Make birthdays a conscience issue.

    6. Abolish reporting time or at least make it voluntary.

    I would not be surprised if all of those reforms are adopted in time.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    lol thats funny, how would they change the talk. "For those long term partakers and recent partakers"........

  • Bella15

    Little by little they will releae the "NEW LIGHT" and all the brainwashed JWs will cheer and applaude HALELUJAH!!!!

    Whenever my mom tells me of "new light" I ask how come it is "new light" when all other Christians denominations have been preaching that "new light" for hundreds of years ...

  • wasblind

    " Whenever my mom tells me of "new light" I ask how come it is "new light" when all other Christians denominations have been preaching that "new light" for hundreds of years ..."

    JW's still use candles, everybody else burning halogen light ;)

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