I don't like your beliefs but they are your right. You don't like mine. Your post about the benefits of suffering was over the top in ignorance and hurtfulness. Despite viewing things differently, I don't want you to experience what I did or what others here going thru cancer treatments, Parkinsons, MS, have. There are gradations of suffering. Ask the people who leaped to their deaths at the WTC if suffering was good. Certainly, our tradition teaches us that God is powerful. Omnipotent. He can teach us lessons in nicer ways.
Again, it is your choice not mine. You are not moored in Christian tradition, the Bible, and esp. the historical Jesus. I suspect that one reason for the Incarnation was that YHWH was so bloody and impersonal. In my tribulation, I could never pray to him. He was too remote. Jesus, or so the church teaches, was a real human. The central motif of Christianity is God made Man, suffers horribly and redeems the world.
If I lacked discipline, my Jesus could morph into anything that suited me. We do project our feelings and dreams onto Jesus. The historical Jesus is hard to keep in mind. We don't worship whimsies of our mind. Jesus showed that he wanted us to work it out in communities. A Guest sees what she wants to see. Facts don't get in the way. N.Drew, the same. You are a nice version. It is frustrating for other people. Children believe with such lack of knowledge.
The benefits of suffering caused me great pain. I am revved up. Pray that you never meet up with the worse forms of suffering.
Steve has a interesting perspective. YHWH was Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao - all people described as pure evil.