It is equivalent to saying: "A socialist, ie. that all companies should be owned by the government". You may phrase it as a general statement, but it would (logically) also be a statement about any particular socialists beliefs.
See, you give yourself away here. Socialsts, in your view, like Atheists, in your view are to be defined by an ABSOLUTE. It is the absolute thinker who requires absolute definitions. Religion, politics, philosophy share a commonlity with diversity of opinion among constituents. It is the absolutists who do the harm under the mantle of those titular structures.
Atheist is a word. I spoke in terms of the word and its meaning. Those who embrace Atheism purely in terms of that definition are absolutists. Purists.
The rest are shades of gray.
The Madalyn Murray O'Hair's of the world are repugnant to society at large for a reason. It is their social behavior and the rudeness they insist on injecting into--I won't say "discussion" --argument. They make it personal and pejorative on purpose.
Does that ring a bell?
If we use language with precision (not always possible in polite conversation) we understand the differences between general and specifics.