Ask yourself why you must resort to WORDS to get your "thoughts" across to us.
by Qcmbr 384 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ask yourself why you must resort to WORDS to get your "thoughts" across to us.
And we're not in the same room. LOL! Who knew atheism could be funny!!
But that is exactly the type of claim you make about atheism! Sure, an atheist would say he does not believe in god (at least he would say so in plain language), but there is nothing definitional about that...
Really? Are you serious?
If somebody at the Army-Navy game is sitting in the Army section do you think their enthusiam is open to embracing the Navy side of things?
When somebody stands up in a church and says "I'm an Atheist", do you think the churchgoers will say to themselves, "Well, he is actually open to being proved wrong and the way he is using that word is only provisional to the, I'm not offended." ????
I'm dumbfounded by your statement.
Chimps don't write Shakespeare.
It has been found out that the larger the brain of a primate the larger groups they can sustain socially within. In other words the bigger (as in physical size) the monkey brain the bigger the monkey society. The Gelada Baboons are the largest society of primates. They have a complex social strutcure and it's glue seems to be in their process of communication:
Adult geladas have a diverse repertoire of vocalizations. There are vocalizations for contact, reassurance, appeasement, solicitation, ambivalence, aggression and defense. Vocalizations are often combined into sequences. Contact calls may provide social functions. Geladas sit around and chatter at each other , signifying to those around that they matter, in a way, to the individual "speaking". To some extent, calls are related to the status of an individual. In addition, females have calls signaling their estrus. Geladas communicate though gestures as well. They display threats by flipping their upper lip back on their nostrils to display their teeth and gums, and by pulling back their scalp to display the pale eyelids. A gelada submits by fleeing or presenting itself.
^ What are we doing right now?
In all honesty though, I was thinking:
I'm so clever
Lots of love, Terry
But like I said, I am trained to think in words for the most part. But facial e x pressions when in person, communicate very well, and not always with the words attached to them. Same with body language, or deeds and actions. Sometimes we 'do' to tell someone that we love them. That action speaks much louder than the words.
I believe the Universe has a meaning.
A jurisdictional choice on your point.
A statement.
It required words.
Your cognitive mind requires context and conclusion so that your thought process can have meaning.
I'm happy with that!
But like I said, I am trained to think in words for the most part. But facial expressions when in person, communicate very well, and not always with the words attached to them. Same with body language, or deeds and actions. Sometimes we 'do' to tell someone that we love them. That action speaks much louder than the words.
Clouds mean rain.
Semiotics, also called semiotic studies or (in the Saussurean tradition) semiology, is the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, signification, and communication. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics, which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically.
It required words.
So the ant doesn't feel meaning for it's existence?
It required words.
So the ant doesn't feel meaning to their existence?
Your toothache is subjective. It is YOURS. I cannot feel it. It has meaning for you. It is your pain.
If I have ever experienced a toothache I can correlate mine with yours and experience empathy, sympathy a synthetic understanding of your meaning.
My point? Inside our own head and mind the SUBJECTIVE nature of our thought process is not OBJECTive to others. It can only be implied.
An electroencephalogram can show spikes on a graph as a meta-language describing a physical process of eletrical impulse.
By questioning thousands of patients over time a "vocabulary" of attached signs generally are indicative of broad "meaning."
Pain, pleasure, anger, fear, etc. Depending on where (in the brain) those impulses appear.
I don't know about the ants you've interviewed, Sab, but the ones I've spoken to are very Watchtower Society oriented in doing their duty to the exclusion of introspection, higher education or skepticism. In that sense, they are theocratic.
Inside our own head and mind the SUBJECTIVE nature of our thought process is not OBJECTive to others. It can only be implied.
In your opinion Terry can it be implied only with a prompt as in some form of communication? Or can the substance in my head be transformed into someone else's head by another power, not words?