WTF? Steven Untank's money accounts suddenly closed!!

by mind blown 134 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Jim_TX

    I've read all of this thread... (and all of the banter, too...).

    I have a PayPal account, and haven't had any issues with them - yet. I may be looking into closing my account with them (haven't used it in a few years now, anyway).

    Anyway... on to Steven's issues. I noticed in the first post by the OP, that Steven mentioned his personal bank account number (which may no longer exist - or may be frozen). Personal Note: This is something that I wouldn't do - evenIF someone tells me that you cannot do anything with it.

    Is it just me, or has anyone else thought... hmmm... I could open a PayPal account using Steven Unthank as my name, use his bank account number, and then cause fradulent activity on PayPal, and get him in trouble.

    No. Wait. I now remember how I had to get my PayPal account activated. I had to transfer monies back into the PayPal account from my bank account.

    Never mind.

    Sorry... was just trying to think outside the box, so to speak, as to why this trouble started.

    In any case... if I were Steven, I would be looking reeeeeal close at any transactions on his bank account over the last year or two. In - and out - of his bank account. (and PayPal account) All transactions leave a trail. I wouldn't be surprised if he notices something 'odd' in his bank account transactions.

    Just my .02 worth.


    Jim TX

  • N.drew

    Who ever is messing with Unthank's accounts can be doing it not so much to stop the money flow, but to add doubt to Steve's motive, which was successful I see dear soft + gentle! So sorry! It looks like you fell for it.

    Now I'll comment on Paypal.

    I have a Paypal account. One transfer I made did not reach my bank but is was deducted from my Paypal account. After some investigation, it was discovered that someone else got my money. The system is not secure. But I must commend Paypal for refunding me the money ($500.00) quickly. I have not had a problem since.

  • N.drew

    My husband has informed me that only government can freeze accounts. Is that the truth?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    We don't have an impartial set of facts. It could be the WT or something that Unthank did. Whatever the case, it is disturbing.

  • Gayle

    It's so ironic. The WTS can have money rolling in from all over the world. They only have a (dream) product with no promise date of delivery. The global WTS is probably a BIG acct to Westpac and Paypal.

    Perhaps the WTS have treatened to higher officials to close their accts with these financial institutions, stating that some 'outbacker' in Australia is in a 'legal' battle with WTS and in so many words stating that certainly he will lose the case and lose his money. Could the institution official see the 'outbacker' as some 'loser' in contrast to a highly global, successful, long term account? Don't all business institutions "reserve the right" to deny service to anyone?

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I just closed my paypal account and included a message that it was due to the way they are treating Mr. Unthank.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Stupid question who is steven untank?

    But as far as the accounts if he has suddenly been geeting an influx of funds into these accounts I know paypal will do an investigation and hold all funds for 180 while they sort this out.

    This happens a lot with internet marketers when they do a product launch.

  • Paralipomenon

    Does anyone else remember a thread from last year about the Watchtower signing up to Ebay in an official capacity? We were all speculating as to why they would do this after so long. This thread might be the reason for it.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I deal alot with Ebay and Paypal. Nazi's. They are Nazi's. I have to spread it over several accounts, because if anyone gets a wild hair, my business is locked up.

    The WT processes alot of payments so they have clout. They squeeled to Paypal and Paypal kissed their ass. It's just business to Paypal. They have no idea what's behind it and they don't care. I pull my funds immediattly because I have been left out to dry for 6 months.

    It was a classic legal manuever to cut off the supply lines. A little to late as it appears that the state prosecutor is ready to pick it up. They had to wait sometime because they didn't have the knowledge about the WT as Mr Unthank did, and Mr Unthank did not have the legal knowledge to trudge along on his own. It's not a civil case so Mr Unthank is not suing them directly. He pointed the finger and stepped in to help the prosecution with the WT labrynth. For those unfamiliar with WT speak, it takes some time to get past the curve. I remember this was the case in TX when an attorney was chosen to represent victims. They were fortunate enough to find an attorney who was raised as a JW.

  • sizemik

    Steven is a very approachable XJW. He's suffered from his WTS experience just like everyone here . . . and certainly no less than anyone here.

    If you really want to keep up to date with this incident as well as his case it's not too difficult . . . he has gone to great lengths to make information available . . .!/StevenUnthank

    Additionally . . . feel free to email him and ask anything you like . . . [email protected] He appreciates our interest and support.

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