Does WT do this on purpose or are they just out of ideas? 2012 Special Talk

by OnTheWayOut 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    I think the BIG question is, "Is it later than Jehovah thinks? Or used to think how late it was...."

  • notjustyet

    GB to Jws " When we asked ""Is it later than you think?"" We did not mean that we wanted you to actually "think",..okay,... just saying."

  • discreetslave

    Are they perhaps hoping to show members that "we" are just bitter?

    They may be yanking our chain to get us to go after them so they can cry persecution.

    @ NewChapter That sure is Unky Punk in the first vid
    The second one isn't Joliette it's just some bitter woman who can't seem to wake up the person closest to her.

  • WTWizard

    Later than you think? They threatened that back in 1872--trying to get people into the cancer before Armageddon in 1874. And that wasn't even the first time they pulled that scam--that version had been going on since the 1830s and 1840s.

    Additionally, I will now supposed that this time it is later than people think. But, what are they supposed to be doing? If you do what they say, you probably will be wasting valuable time knocking on doors and attending boasting sessions that should be used to prepare for the coming crisis. What crisis? As long as the US dollar is debt based, it is inherently toilet paper and worthless. That it has some assumed value is vanity. You might be wise to use some of those toilet papers now, while they still have assumed value, and acquire something that can be used when it becomes actually worthless. Learn a skill that can be bartered. Buy precious metals or physical assets. Are you meaning to replace something? Do so now, and get the highest quality you can possibly afford. Get some U-Teach courses (official credits are going to be worthless when in a barter situation). Computer going dead? There are U-Fix kits and courses--which can come in handy in barter situations. You would be surprised how little it takes to at least do just one thing toward preparing for the total collapse of your dollars or euros.

    Then, think. If you go to a boasting session, what are you going to learn that is useful? Do they teach you to make anything? Do they teach you to fix anything? Do they teach you how to install anything? What about physical assets? Food and water? Gold and silver? Ammunition and weapons? Learning to program a computer? Even something like taking care of your physical health? You are not going to learn any of the above if you are at your boasting session. Or out in field circus. Preparation-wise, you might just as well be at home watching sports or playing video games (and at least enjoying yourself while doing so) rather than wasting the time spreading the cancer.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great thoughts, I won't be able to answer you all individually.

    Are they perhaps hoping to show members that "we" are just bitter?
    They may be yanking our chain to get us to go after them so they can cry persecution.

    DiscreetSlave, that's what I was wondering when I asked that.

    It seems the majority here feel that they recycle on purpose with the calculation that members won't remember their decades-old garbage. I will chime in with that but add what DS stated above. The outline is 15 minutes of trying to make fence-sitters decide for "the truth" and make former JW's come back. So to me, that would indicate that they know many former JW's will be triggered by this recycled title and it will make them look like persecutors when they say something. "Jehovah's organization offers you this loving invitation to return and you just rant on about what they said in 1968. Move on and let it go, move forward with the chariot."
  • punkofnice


    Is that our very own Punk?? I recognize our other poster (joliette?), but never heard punkinhead doing a video.

    I'm chockablock with surprises. Tee Hee Hee! (And my creepy voice is just for fun BTW!!)

    I haven't been around much lately as I'm now a Mod on the Yuku forum.

  • wannabefree
    GB to Jws " When we asked ""Is it later than you think?"" We did not mean that we wanted you to actually "think",..okay,... just saying."

  • discreetslave

    It's either an insider who is helping the cause putting this out to get those who are free from the mind control to say something.

    Or it's the GB trying to drum up persecution and another hysteria to get people all fired since 2014 is just around the corner.

    Then after 2014 they'll have to figure out something else to keep the sheeple from fleeing the pen.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    doomsday religions have to prophesy or predict in order to remain relevant. (sp) That is all that is happening here. this gives the sheep something to talk aboutin their meaningless lives working for the watchtower.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The other thing to take into account i believe is that ''the end is close/later than you think'' line reconfirms to the masses the central comforting ideology of the JWs, not long now...

    It is what the rank and file need to sleep at night. Some things are left to disapear from the JW consciousness but not this message.

    they drift off to sleep, all warm and fuzzy in the belief that the GB are watching over them.


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