LOGICAL - Why are you always so sad, fed up &

by Celtic 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    Logical is a female trapped in a male body.

    Ah, now I see. Guys expect certain things from other fella's, so he will always get grief from them. Tricky. The gay route is unlikely to appeal either.

    Well, if that's how he's made then we should accept him for that, IMO, without doubt he'll find that females will be more empathetic, maybe us 'testosteroney's' should back off.


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • bigboi
    The gay route is unlikely to appeal either.

    Unless he/she likes girls. Which I hear he does.



  • spider

    Logical asked why everyone was ignoring him. If this thread demonstrates anything it is that Logical is DEFINATELY not being ignored.
    I don't know anything about Logical or his situation. I do however believe that he adds character to this board and possesses a wit that can cut to the bone.He adds a distinctive flavour to this place and if he ever left, you'd miss him for sure. Think about it - you know its true.

  • AGuest

    May you all have peace... and may I say:

    LDH... amen girl, and re: the email... consider it done...

    MOMMY... you GO girl, what a heart (and are congrats in order yet?)...

    BIGMAN... whatup my dear one... and where you BEEN?

    LARC... you always make me smile... truly...

    EMAN... good for you! You are indeed the 'big[ger]' man here...

    FLOWER... sigh! Let it go, girl... 'cause as you can see some of us truly love Logical, pretty much unconditionally at this point, if only because we know her. Perhaps one day you will, too (get to know her), and you won't be so offended.

    LOGICAL... I love you dearly, as do many others here. But then, you already know that.

    And, omigosh, PLEASE forgive me, but... WHAT'S UP DADDY-O!!???

    Everyone else... peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • mommy

    Eman You the man!

    I have noticed that there is always a recurring theme with these threads. The newbies come in and say, we are so sick of Logical. Then a few ones who have gotten to know him and have known him longer come in and say, he is loveable just wait and be patient. It also appears that one of the old "newbies" then come in and give their support as well. The point is you aren't require to love him, but beware when you do attack him, you will face us that do

    My dear I wish I could tell you that the baby is here and I can finally breath, eat and sleep again Yet we have just a few more weeks, trust me, everyone will know lol.


    Hey Guys,"Logi is a Female",if I`m wrong,please correct me.....OUTLAW

  • IMBlueFire

    Hi Logi.

  • gambler

    I agree with celtic and flower on this one, and legion hit it dead on.This is a person with no life that sits in chat all day and trys to prey on peoples emotions.These type of people are a dime a dozen on the internet.They get off when others baby,pity and wipe their ass for them.

  • Celtic

    Oh my goodness, this was the last of my intentions, to set up a flame war.

    Lets get a few things straight.

    I was not as such having a go at logical, whatever misinterpretations others come to, that was not my point in the slightest.

    OK I don't let on that much about my situation, but I too thought that I was born in the wrong sex, a girl instead of a boy, its a really strange one, I realise that perhaps more than most. On top of that I thought I should have been born a black man but not a black woman, a kind of double wammy.

    I realised these feelings at 14, but for obvious reasons could receive no outside help due to being brought up very strictly as a witness. In the end I took myself off to a psychologist and behaviourial psychiatrist, I was that confused about my own identity. To say I would have quite happily blown my head off with a shotgun is an understatement. hardly any of you can understand the internal pain and anguish of these conflicts from a blokes perspective. Sheer agony, words cannot describe the emotions wrought, wrenched apart within.

    Some in the congregation today still know and recognise the absolute hell I was going through. Many days still I feel like complete shite, worthless, empty, ....

    But the point is this, that the only way to overcome this was to face up to myself more, to understand what was going on and then gently at first to do something about it.

    Many days still, though I hardly ever let this on, I feel like complete crap, but I know others need the help more than I, so rather than giving out any hint of my internal agony, I try to remain positive for others sake. I hope Logical learns from this experience too.

    Logical I love to bits. There be something about s/he that I respect massively and if anyone picks on her, I'll be right there at the front defending her position. Why? because I can empathise more than most here of how these feelings disentangle yourself from your true self.

    But no matter how shite I felt sometimes, it became easier to look at a perspective from someone elses shoes, which enabled me to offer them just a few encouraging words, just one or two, thats all I was asking for, not the full hog straightaway.

    Logical, never forget what a very special and unique person you are, at least you know now for certain that lots here really, really do care about you a great deal.

    May you find much peace as you go about your business throughout life.

    The absolute best to you is my only wish for you.

    May you have peace.

    Love, lots of it.

    [email protected]

  • WildHorses


    Always be true to yourself. Whatever that may be, you will always know who your true friends are because they will be the ones that will not judge you. Live life to make yourself happy.

    Now, if I could just learn to take my own advise, all would be well with the world


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.

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