More "Elders" Doubt They Are Appointed By The "Holy Spirit"!

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    You can’t blame elders for doubting they are appointed by holy spirit. One thing is for sure-they know they have been selected. Question is by whom?

    The WT leadership themselves are a bit confused on the subject: The Dec WT study edition for today’s lesson on page 25 par 13 says frankly about holy spirit’s involvement …”Elders, for instance, are appointed by holy spirit.” Yet the Bearing Thorough Witness book on page 19 par 22 beats around the bush so to speak by saying…” To this day, responsible men are selected to serve as overseers in the congregation. The elders carefully consider the Scriptural qualifications required of such overseers, and they pray for the guidance of holy spirit. The congregation thus views such men as appointed by holy spirit.”

    More confusion is thrown into the mix where on page 99 par 18 of the Bearing Thorough Witness book it says "A similar pattern is followed today. Before recommendations for appointments are made, the local body of elders prayerfully reviews a brother’s Scriptural qualifications. (1 Tim. 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9) The length of time he has been a Christian is not the main determining factor. Instead, the brother’s speech, conduct, and reputation give evidence of the degree to which holy spirit operates in his life. His meeting the requirements for overseers as set out in the Scriptures determines whether he is qualified to serve as a shepherd of the flock.”

    So the question is: Whose involvement dominates in the appointment process of elders? Is it-holy spirit? Is it the congregation elders? Or is it Jehovah or is it Jesus who dominate? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    Looks like to me WT isn’t quite sure. That explains why JWs lack a Spiritual Paradise today?

    The first century Christians had no doubt about appointments. Note what the Bearing Thorough Witness book says on page 19 par 21: " How was the selection made? By casting lots, a common practice in Bible times. (Prov. 16:33) However, this is the last time that the Bible shows lots being used in this way. Evidently, the later outpouring of holy spirit rendered that method obsolete. Note, though, why lots were used. The apostles prayed: “You, O Jehovah, who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these two men you have chosen.” (Acts 1:23, 24) They wanted the choice to be Jehovah’s. Matthias, likely one of the 70 disciples whom Jesus had sent out to preach, was chosen. Thus, Matthias became one of 'the twelve.'"

    Notice how the speculative word 'Evidently' is used to explain why Jehovah or his holy spirit isn't used more miraculously today.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The link did not work, oops

    Egg cut and pasted his form letter response on this issue. I thought of posting some of Mr. Greg Staffords thoughts on "Testing" those who claim to have special appointments, or claim to be apostles, but it would be a waste of time. Egg did not answer honestly, any of our grievances, but dodged the subject, of bad men being appointed. If you have not read Mr. Staffords Blog on "Testing" and Revelation 2:2, it would benifit you greatly, the Bible tells us to avoid bad men. Test men who claim to be from Jehovah, and leave them, if they are not. We are told to watch the conduct of those taking the lead, and to run, if they are acting wickedly. The Society tells us not to judge the elders or the GB, only to constantly judge our own works.

  • mP

    wake up, if they had to throw sticks to replace judas with matthais, do you really think god has time for local joe elder. throwing stivks and pretending god controlled the stocks would be more honest.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    It seems to me that they've got all the bases covered.. If an elder is wrongly appointed (whilst being adulterous perhaps).. Either: It's not known that he is practicing willful sin and everyone thinks 'what a fine brother to be appointed'; Or someone knows about the adultery but can't prove it.. so keeps quiet rather than risk being charged with slander; OR someone has evidence, or the elder confesses, and he is removed as an elder. Any of these outcomes renders Holy Spirit or Jehovah as irrelevant in any decisions about who will preside over the congregation. Unless the person is well known to fail the Biblical qualifications, perhaps as a drunkard etc, which is still just a matter of whether they're capable of keeping up appearances or not.. The qualifications given by holy spirit in the Bible are looked at, sure, but by whom? A small group of imperfect men who can't possibly know for sure who should/should not be appointed. Men with their own motives and agendas can appoint men with their own hidden sins/motives to a position of automatic trust because of the 'holy spirit having appointed them' , where they can tear vulnerable people down spiritually and destroy family lives by Df'ing unjustly at times.. And apparently this all has Gods backing, because the Watchtower claims that the changed appointment process (elders used to be voted in, which was at least democratic) is a refinement from Jehovah.. Organised religion seems to be a total sham to me at the moment.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Elders appointed by Holy Spirit?



  • DaCheech

    middle of the totem pole elders are appointed by hole spirit? and the societies teachings arent?

    ask them next time their own policies change, and their prophecies fail!

  • curiousconfused

    As some have already said - the Society is slightly at sea about this one... the premise is now:

    1. Scriptual qualifications were recorded in the Bible by means of HS

    2. The elders pray for HS in making the decision

    3. When the prospective elder displays Frutage of the Spirit, then it can be said that HS is working on him;

    All different than the HS somehow selecting or approving the man... I used to really believe that this was true. Until I got appointed....


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    It's all about who you are and what you know. If you rub the right elbows, kiss the right buts and/or you know too much, CONGRATULATIONS you're in like sin!

    The only time this doesn't apply is when you move where they need elders NOW.

    Is it Holy Spirit or favoritism and desperation?

    The latter has always proved true; in my congregation I can't pick an honest man out of the entire body of elderberries, but plenty of good honest men are used as door mats all the time.

    Holy Spirit?

    With witlesses it seems more like Holy S**t! appoint him now or discourage him away because we’ve got to hide the truth!

  • pharmer
    Djeggnog: is by means of holy spirit that the "faithful and discreet slave" (Matthew 24:45-47), as represented by the Governing Body, received its appointment to preside over the slave's "domestics"...

    Is this really correct JW understanding, that the GB presides over the slave's domestics? Not over the Master's domestics? Would that not mean that the GB IS the master?

    To whom do these domestics belong?

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