Research how dog breeders work and then read the post again. God chose certain traits, that's genetics plain and simple.
Oh Sab. Stop ducking your own words. You said "The Bible says God chose the righteous genetic traits of Abram who was a great warrior who won many battles". I am simply asking you to show me where the Bible talks about Abrahams righteous genetic traits and God choosing them, or where is says righteousness IS genetic. I am not asking about dog breeders, I am asking YOU to verify what YOU wrote with clear scriptural citations.
I know quite well how genetics works, that's not the question. The question is, where does the Bible CLEARLY say God was choosing genetic traits as you said it does?
And I do say so and I can back up what I say, unlike you who just use "I know you are but what am I" arguments.
The clearly show me where the Bible says god was choosing genetic traits. Back up what you say. And, since you are backing up what you say, show me a single instance where I have EVER said "I know you are but what am I". I know that I AM THAT I AM.
Back it up. If you are going to claim the Bible says something and that I have said something, put up or shut up. And, I would NEVER ask you what I am. I clearly know who and what I am. I wouldn't rely on something that makes groundless claims while worshipping an imaginary sky monster about who I am. I prefer opinions grounded in reality instead.
Grey morality needs deep thought and interpretation for full understanding.
How is ordering the slaughtering of babies morally grey? Ripping the fetuses out of pregnant women? Killing almost everything on the entire planet? How is that morally grey? Would it take deep interpretation if someone came to your house, killed your wife and took your daughter and dashed her head open on the rocks because God told them they should move into your house? Is that morally grey?
If it is, then my only comment is that I am glad most Christians are too weak to fully embrace their God and that we have secular laws preventing them from acting the way their imaginary sky daddy suggests his worshippers should act. It's probably the greatest gift to the world you all are too weak to TRULY follow God.
YHWH knows that the Abram chromosomes are A-OK so he makes sure that "the son of a slave" will be turned into a nation as well.
Awesome. Show me where the Bible says Abram's chromosomes were A-OK and we can move on past this. Otherwise, you appear to simply be confusing inheritance and birthrights with genetics.
YHWH is depicted as not wanting to jerk anyone around when he doesn't have to. He is a mitigator of pain, but also a causer of it. Very Godly.
Well, not really. Abram banging is Hagar is what jerked Sarah around, who inturned exiled them, which, no matter what happened later, is jerking them around. God had a hand in all of this.
Hitler was nice to kids. Are you suggesting that simply being nice at times makes a person Godly, no matter what other douchebag things they do?