by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    I DON'T HAVE RELIGIOUS CONVICTIONS!!!! I couldn't care less about what the bible or any other holy book says about anything. I think imposing morality towards killing children a good thing. It was the terrorists moral conviction that killing americans was a good thing and we got pretty pissed off at that (rightly so).
    Ashi is talking about how killing a child would somehow make a rape induced pregnancy better. Yes, it would be 9 months of hell for her but do how does adding a death of an innocent somehow make everything better?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • think41self

    Ok Rhett....

    You're still avoiding answering the most difficult question. In the above scenario, the 12 year old is your daughter and the doctor tells you that she will die if she tries to carry a baby to term. What is so hard to understand about that? These kind of medical problems happen every day. So what's your answer?

    Let your daughter die to save the baby?

    We're waiting.


    If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself!

  • siegswife

    How on earth can you possibly think that you know what is best for every woman and unborn child in this country? You think that your opinion, which you say isn't based on anything other than your own perception, should be the rule? What makes you think that your opinion is so right that it should be forced upon the majority of people who don't agree with you?

    I don't like the thought of abortion either, but I certainly don't think that I have the right tell other people how they should view their own unborn offspring. I would certainly never try to create legislation to force them to do it. Are you willing to accept responsibility for the unwanted children that will result?

  • mommy

    Okay I am agreeing with Shecky on this one. No sense trying to add a bit of logic into Rhett's brain. Rhett I wish you the best, and hope one day your heart is softened.

  • rhett

    What makes me think my view on abortion should be forced on everyone who doesn't agree with me? No one dies this way. I'll take whatever responsibility is needed with this. In case you haven't heard, there's this amazing thing called adoption for children who aren't wanted by their parents. You want choice, choose which adoption agencey you want to work with. Morality is forced upon us everyday anyway. I can't shoot a person walking down the street. I can't walk around naked in the supermarket. There are very good reasons for that. You want a good reason to outlaw abortion? No innocent babies die. Plain and simple. Black and white. What part of "babies dying is a bad thing" do people not understand?
    As for Wendy's wishing my heart is softened, it is softened. That's why I refuse to ever support abortion in any way, shape, or form. I just can't think of a single good reason why an innocent child should die or how that could ever be justified.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • Abaddon

    rhett; saying the same thing over and over does not add to the weight of your arguement, only the length of it.

    You have failed to really respond to many of the issues raised by others.

    You say 'No one dies this way' as a justification of why your opinion is right, without any attempt to validate the assumptions that that opinion is based upon - basically, that a fetus of this age is equivalent to a newly born human being.

    You mention supposed 'solutions' that would not work (there are more abortions than places for adopted children), and that the anti-choice lobby have signally failed to provide.

    What part of 'you're allowed to think what you think, and so are we' do you not understand?

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • rhett

    I keep saying the same thing over and over because its answers the questions. What issues have I not responded to? What pressing topics have I not answered?
    The part of "you're allowed to think what you think, and so are we" that I refuse to go along with is when what you think will result in the death of innocent babies. I'll go along with that mode of thought if you want to talk about if Bush is a good or bad president or if drug use should be legalized but not when children will be killed. You can present all the arguements you want to say its ok but I refuse to let it drop. Anyone who wants their child aborted (be it the mother or the father) deserves the same horrible death that they wish upon their own child regardless of the circumstances.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • ashitaka

    These debates are so boring after a while...because each of us will hold fast to what we believed in the beginning, anyway.


  • safe4kids

    I agree with you Ashi, the only exception I guess is if some who are reading haven't yet made up their least they get some food for thought.

    Rhett, I think it's quite interesting that you have yet again failed to answer Think's question to you. How 'bout it? Put yourself in this situation and tell us what you would do.


  • Abaddon

    rhett says;

    "What issues have I not responded to? What pressing topics have I not answered?"

    1/ Your comparison of a early-term fetus to newly born human being; what proof do you have for this assertion?

    2/ What to do with the 'unwanted' babies if they were not aborted.

    3/ Who would pay for this?

    4/ The disruption and damage to the lives of their parent/s, who might have had the right number of children. or had children at the right time instead, but were forced to have them at the wrong time, or to have too many.

    5/ The lasting damage done to the human beings born as a result of a 'no abortions' policy, knowing they were born just because of a law, and then shipped off to a home. This would probably a large institutioinalised care facility, as the first few years of no abortions would fill the back-log of couples seeking children and thereafter would be far larger than the number of couples seeking children to adopt.

    Not only have you failed to prove what you say is right, you have failed to describe how the reprecussions of your opinion would be dealt with.

    Remember, you can think what you like, but if you want other people to think the same, you have to prove your point.

    Oh, ANSWER THE POINTS, don't just repeat yourself, or I'll not bother replying to you.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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