by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • target

    So we are not to compare a "fetus" to a newborn. This is implying that all abortions are done early in the pregnancy. Not so. Many are done at a stage where the baby is viable.

    If it were my 12 year old daughter, I would find a better doctor. And also, that scenario is rare. That is not why most abortions are done.

    I knew such a girl who got pregnant and since she was a minor she had no say in it and her parents thought it best that she have an abortion, which she did not want. The result was that she hated her parents for forcing her to kill her baby and she went right back and got pregnant again by the same boy. This time she carried the baby to term and her parents thought it was wonderful to have a little grandaughter.
    Rhett's analogy of not being allowed to kill people walking down the street is a good one. One could reason that some of those people are really bad so we should be able to pick and choose who we can kill. It shouldn't matter that most are innocent. The big difference being, of course, that these people can attempt to defend themselves.

    Yes, I guess I am one of those hard hearted fanatics too. I also am for animal rights because they too are helpless victims. I guess there is no hope for me. I can't be reasoned with.


  • AbaddonTwo

    target; you just implied that an implication was made that all abortions were early term. Where was this implication? In the post directly before your I specifically mention early term. And fetus is the correct term up to birth, from about 10 weeks (from memory, might be wrong). And will you critisize anti-choicers for using partial-birth abortions to head-up their campaigns when such things are rare?

    You're welcome to state your opinions, but there's some points rhetts been asked to answer, as he JUST states his opinion again and again, which you're welcome to address if you want a discussion.

    Animal rights? Me and my girlfriend were watching a program the other day where some animals had been 'liberated'... we both figured a good punishment for that would be community service, working in a hospice for the children who are suffering from the disease those specific animals were being researched for. That's just our opinion.

    What do I mean? Animals obviously have rights, but I would stick electrodes in a hundred million puppies if it would help cure a disease like cystic fibrosis, MS, CJD, etc..

    If the testing is for make-up, et. al., then I agree it's totally wrong.

    And why this? " I guess there is no hope for me. I can't be reasoned with."

    Is that a plea for sympathy in a discussion... oh, I can't debate the facts, I'll make fun out of myself by way of being sarcastic towards those I disagree with?

    You're welcome to think what you want. The law is based on facts. Disprove those facts. See question 1/ to rhett as a starting point.

    If you can't disprove the facts law is based on, then elect a government that will put laws based on opinion in place... and hope you get the opportunity to live to regret it...

  • siegswife

    You antichoice people crack me up. You equate abortion with shooting someone on the street, yet when you see 'born' people living in the street with their children, you act like it's no business of yours.

    You say that there is the option of adoption. Are you willing to adopt an unwanted baby? I doubt if you would adopt a healthy baby, let alone a baby born addicted to heroin or crack or with AIDS. Are you willing to accept responsibility for the quality of life of children whose parents can't afford to feed and clothe them? NO! You want to cut funding that helps low income people.

    You want to be the ones who make the decision for 'life' and then cut yourselves off from responsibility of that 'life' once it is indeed 'life'.

    If you force a woman to have her baby and it starves to death after it's born, are you guilty for that child starving?

    If you force a woman to have a baby that she doesn't love, and she later mistreats and neglects it, are you guilty when that person either dies from mistreatment or ends up in prison?

    If you force a woman to have a baby that grows up to be another Hitler, are you guilty of bringing evil into the world?

    You want to have your cake and eat it too. If you are doing the 'right thing' by preventing abortions, then you should do the 'right thing' and take responsibility for the outcome.

  • Schtinky

    Rhett and Target,

    You still did not answer the question. If it was your daughter would you let her die?

    I didn't say that happens all the time...I didn't say get a second opinion. It does happen that women die in childbirth. In this scenario, this is one of those times. So answer the question. Would you let your daughter die?

    Yes or No? As you say, it's that simple.

    P.S. This is Think41self, I hit my posting limit for the first time

  • rhett

    Ok, last time, I don't care what the cicumstances are, abortion is killing children. I refuse to say that is ok under any cicumstances. Say what you want, abortion kills children no matter what the circumstances. I don't even know why I continue to post to this thread because apparently most people who have been reading it are too dense to get that simple point. You can throw out all these circumstances and various situations in an attempt to say that baby murder is ok. Hey, if you want rationalize the murder of an innocent child that's your call. My response will always be the same because its a simple call, don't kill babies. That answer will be the same no matter what the question is. If any woman dies getting an abortion, I will laugh because the stupid bitch (last I saw it was around 70,000 or so a year) got what she was wishing be done to her own child. If any asshole male (who is apparently the demon here because its always his fault the woman got pregnant) tries to get the mother of his child to have an abortion he deserves the same fate. I'll keep stating the same thing over and over because I keep getting asked the same question "Is it ok for a woman to get an abortion if....." No, its not. You can rationalize it anyway you wish to make yourself feel better about the death of an innocent child but none the less, its still the death of an innocent child due to the cold heartedness of the cold hearted bitch of a mother.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • siegswife

    I have to wonder why you would want a child born to a cold hearted bitch that hates it? What do you think it's life will be like, if it even lives to have a life?

  • Schtinky


    You win. I give up. You still did not answer the question of what you would do if it were your daughter, and I can see that you have no intention of doing so. It is black and white to you. As I said, I hope you are never faced with this type of thing personally.

  • expatbrit

    Interesting scenario Tracy.

    What would you do? Which one would you save, and why?


  • Schtinky


    In my opinion, it is an impossible choice, but people have been faced with them. Again, since I personally have never been faced with this, all I can say is what I think I would do in this scenario,

    I would save my daughter. If the doctor assured me she could not carry the baby, there was incontrovertible evidence to back it could I lose my daughter? She is the one I already know and love. She is the innocent victim here, why should she lose her life for something that wasn't her fault? That would be my thought processes in the matter. Of course the baby is an innocent victim too, but if I had to choose, that's the way it would go.

  • expatbrit


    Thank you.


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