by Valentine 135 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144thousand_and_one


    You didn't call Madonna a hypocrite, you alleged that she is "the biggest slut in the entertainment business" and blamed her for "many young girls having unwanted pregnancies."

    Witnesses utilize similar tactics; when someone exposes the fallacy of their claims, they rewrite the history of what they claimed.

    Madonna may not conform to your conception of a good person, but that doesn't mean she is responsible for "many young girls having unwanted pregnancies," nor does it mean she is "the biggest slut in the entertainment business." The first of these allegations is ridiculous, and the second is libelous. Quit while you're ahead.

  • JT

    you know, A man and a woman are responsible for a pregnancy

    I agree with you on this one. that is the bottom line

    personally i don't think abortion should be used for birth control, but i think one should have the right to do it it that is what they decide.

    I know all about the rape cases and incest cases =- fine then let them have that choice and i will help pay for it,

    but the He!! if i'm going to be willing to support and pay for folks to lay around and "Bang Boots" and then ask ME TO PAY FOR IT

    if you want it fine, shouldn't be against the law but me pay for your "Banging" yea right


  • JT

    val says:
    says "Dear Friends of Reproductive Freedom


    I'm all for that- But i shouldn't pay for someone else's fun,

    it it is rape - incest cool, but have you looked at the numbers of abortions and how many fall under that heading

    most the men i know who got a girl pregnant didn't rape her - if he did he should be shafted, but most are the result of the "Booty Bang"

  • rhett

    Yeah, I'm quite narrow minded when it comes to killing unborn children and have no problem with that. I don't see it as the big complicated issue that some people do. If someone gets pregnant they should take responsibility for their actions. If they don't want the kid they can always put it up for adoption. There's no rule saying they have to keep it.
    144, if you're so worried about this big population explosion and really want to do something about go kill yourself. Its your choice, right? Hey, at least that a CHOICE that you'd be able to make yourself. I have a feeling you'd be rather upset if someone wanted to make that choice for you.
    So some women who have had abortions cried about it and were upset. They should be, they killed their kids because things weren't going to be nice and wonderful like they thought they were. They actually got upset about it. GOOD!!! They willingly killed their children for convenience. They are cold hearted bitches.
    I still, and always will, look upon women dying during abortions as a good thing because they're getting what they wish for their own child and hey, as 144 is so concerned about, there's less people in the world so that'll control the population explosion. I am extremely narrow minded about this because you can try to justify abortion all you want but when it comes down to it all it is is murder of children. Plain and simple, no grey, just black and white. The baby was alive and some cold hearted bitches kill it for whatever reasons they may have. What's so complicated about that?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • 144thousand_and_one
    144, if you're so worried about this big population explosion and really want to do something about go kill yourself. Its your choice, right? Hey, at least that a CHOICE that you'd be able to make yourself. I have a feeling you'd be rather upset if someone wanted to make that choice for you.


    Killing myself wouldn't help the free thinkers in this world defeat the fucking assholes like yourself who wish to impose their version of morality on others. Go back to the meetings, you seem like someone who would enjoy the progamming.

    The US Supreme Court has not defined a fetus as a human being. Abortion is not murder, and would have been an excellent choice for your mother after she made the mistake that resulted in you.

    Your references to women as "cold hearted bitches" lack foundation; how would you know whether any woman was a "cold hearted bitch" since you've probably never had anything other than your hands or a blow up doll?

    Narrow minded? You have no fucking mind to begin with. Your just the gristle of life, the fecal matter at the bottom of the outhouse pile. Lick your lips and taste the flavor of the shit that keeps spewing therefrom. It's probably not as vile as your comments on this board.

    I don't need to be forgiven.
    Can't think for yourself, so you have to quote others. More evidence of your intellect, or lack thereof.
  • rhett

    Hey, killing yourself may not help the free thinkers (free thinker in this case would imply someone who kills their children when they would be a burden on their parents) but it certainly would help the population explosion you seem to care so much about. Hey, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to find an easy enough way to do it.
    As for my exposure to women, I've had plenty enough to be happy with it. I still stand by my words that any woman who has an abortion is a cold hearted bitch who deserves the same thing she imposes on her unborn child. Yeah, go kill your kid because its inconvienent for yourself. How is that not cold hearted?
    Regarding my personal beliefs about religion, I'm atheist. I don't believe in the bible, koran, or any other holy book. I don't follow the belief that we're pawns in some battle between two entities that can't get along. What, are you going to go off on the police saying they impose their values because killing people is wrong? Following that logic wouldn't it be ok for the members of bin Laden's organization to commit even more atrocities because its their choice. How dare we impose our values on them and say that killing a few thousand people is wrong?!?!?! You know what the difference between abortion and Sept. 11 is? Abortion kills more people.
    As for your various oh so potent personal attacks, I've often found that people that need to resort to those sorts of attacks often don't have good arguements to stand on so they must resort to the level they feel most comfortable on. By your numerous reliances on these it would seem to be clear where you fall into with this generalization.
    Oh yes, I quote a song in my signature. No one else does either do they? By your logic (I snicker as I say that word when talking about you) how many others here are as bright as you seem to think I am?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • rhett

    Oh, thanks for the link to the site Valentine. I used it to email my senators so I could tell them how much I oppose abortion and that I would never vote for anyone who supports it. Its so nice having a centralized place where you can go and send messages to the government telling them your views. I really appreciate your sharing.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • 144thousand_and_one
    What, are you going to go off on the police saying they impose their values because killing people is wrong? Following that logic wouldn't it be ok for the members of bin Laden's organization to commit even more atrocities because its their choice. How dare we impose our values on them and say that killing a few thousand people is wrong?!?!?! You know what the difference between abortion and Sept. 11 is? Abortion kills more people.

    I don't need to attack you. All I need to do is quote you to illustrate your lack of logic and common sense, as well as your lack of basic humanity. Your trivialization of the September 11 tragedy serves notice to all on this board of your cold-heartedness, in the event anyone didn't already notice your heart of ice. Anyone who trivializes the Sept. 11 tragedies should get out of this country and go live with the Taliban.

  • rhett

    For someone who doesn't need to attack me you certainly seem to have done it quite a bit.
    No, I'm not trivializing the terrorist attacks, I'm showing how horrible abortion is. If people get so upset about a few thousand deaths why is there not more concern with the death of a million or so innocent children every year? I will be the first to admit (though I think "proudly declare to all who will listen" is a better way to put it) that I have absolutely no concern what so ever for the cold hearted bitches who have those 1,000,000+ abortions every year.
    Go ahead 144, go do your part to stop this population explosion you seem so concerned about.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • mommy

    It is good to have strong views on a subject, I myself have strong views on certain ones. What you are doing in categorizing every woman who has an abortion. Now this actually means nothing to anyone but yourself. We can all look at your hateful comments and realize what anger and hostility you hold in your own heart. Are we "hurting" because of your narrowminded views? Of course not. The only one who is hurting is you. I actually feel sorry for you.

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