Was A Cancer Cure Quietly Eliminated?

by metatron 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety
    As to drug trials, I have almost no hope that any drug company will ever develop a cure for cancer or any other disease.

    12 Deadly Diseases Cured in the 20th Century

  • james_woods
    Actually, if one looks at a list of foods that "alkalize" the body, versus foods that "acidify" the body, the foods that are fairly well-known as "cancer fighters", are largely on the "alkali" side of the scale...

    The blood pH is always very, very close to 7.6 - which is very slightly alkaline, about like sea water. If it varies even a little above or below this, you will die. It does not matter what foods you eat - it always stays at this level.

  • botchtowersociety
    A cure might not even pay back its development costs.

    Nonsense, a new hepatitis C cure was approved just last year. It has boosted the cure rate to over 75%. It will sell over $2 billion its first year.

    I have no faith in cancer charities for one rather intuitive reason: evolution has likely developed ways to control wild, incoherent growth in plants. It is fairly common to observe natural, plant-derived biochemicals that inhibit cancer but these are not patentable.

    They are extremely patentable. The composition of matter (the chemical itself) may not be, but manufacturing methods as well as applications for use are. And if they qualify for orphan drug status (they treat an unmet need), they receive even greater protections.

    I don't expect drug companies to eschew greed or ignore their shareholders (I've invested in many!). However, I do expect better from charities and I don't see it...

    The reason you don't see it (and you must not be looking hard enough), is because this stuff isn't easy to do. There is nothing more that a medical researcher would want than to cure something that is currently untreatable. That's Nobel Prize territory. And for a small biotech that takes it public, it means hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in sales.

  • bohm

    Metatron: you might be on to something, it appears all the evidense for that cold fusion scam you was exited about this winter also failed to materialize

  • metatron

    Bohm, did you even bother to read the latest on the cold fusion struggle? About NASA and MIT? MIT which involved itself in academic fraud in denying positive cold fusion results - now has open, positive results? And the word you're trying to spell is "excited".

    A common approach when finding a natural cure is to chemically alter the original substance and attempt a patent/ drug approval such as was done with melatonin. Not a problem, the drug companies can always put pressure on legislatures to outlaw the original supplements ( such as the FDA is currently trying to do).

    "Use" patents suck. I know - after I followed a small company that tried and tried to get approval for a drug that reversed hardening of the arteries. They ran out of money and that was that.

    Yes, we have witnessed a wave of infectious diseases eliminated. That's the past. The March of Dimes offered the world a powerful example of how a charity can get caught flat-footed when their disease gets cured.

    "isn't easy to do". "hundreds of millions in sales"... Yeah, if you can risk hundreds of millions in development costs and if your stock will be worth anything more than pennies after you reach the Phase 3 finish line.

    Oh, and did I mention Life Extension's complaint that financial conflicts of interest in drug approval may be allowed under FDA rules? That potential cure is competition for your investments? Oh, well....

    There was a surprizing and effective therapy for a wide variety of infections that involved ultraviolet blood irradiation ... but its inexpensive so you won't hear about it...


  • metatron

    Oh, and the hepatitis C cure? Long and expensive. A "therapy" lasting 48 weeks.... with many articles defending its cost over time. Not exactly a quick pill or month long treatment.

    Fills the bill for drug companies as a long profitable therapy/cure. Good cash flow. This is what they want because they have shareholders and pension funds to answer to. OK, by itself but it may eliminate any inexpensive alternative because there's little or no profit there.


  • botchtowersociety

    24 Weeks. Down from 48 previously. If that isn't good enough, you're more than welcome to improve upon it. And what's with this putting "therapy" in quotes?

  • Iamallcool

    very interesting topic! (bookmarked)

  • bohm

    i think it is possible to make cars fly provided you rub them with fruit, but the airline industry is oppressing the knowledge along with the evil aviation technicians and engineers. i got no evidense, but we all know the airline industry is rotten so i will throw the accusation around anyway.

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