How do I hear/feel God?

by doinmypart 473 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    I think seeing dragons may have tipped people off that what you experience is not what most people do; it is absolutely no surprise that your defense rests upon discrediting mine. You are sadly see through.

    There was no attempt by ME to discredit YOU, dear Q (again, peace to you!). To the contrary, I AGREED with you as to your experience, its nature and source. If anyone is attempting to discredit, it is you... by the initial comments in your penultimate post (2490), including trying to show that your experience was NOT from God (and so, no one else's can be, either), as well as by your comment here as to dragons.

    Since some of you keep bringing that up, however, and assume that I am alone in this... and since the OP seems to have gotten what he/she needed out of this thread (but if not, by all means, let's carry on)... I will post a link to a post that links to what I posted about dragons. Perhaps, then, folks will read for themselves (vs. letting the JWN "pharisees" tell them what someone/something said) and that will shine a better "light" on the matter, for those who are interested.

    And there are some here that are.

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant (still) and a slave of Christ,


  • frankiespeakin

    "How do I hear/feel God?"

    That all depends what your psyhe's "God Image" is it varries with culture and religious beleifs. The human species is hooked up to what Jung called the "Collective Unconscious" in this collective are various God and Godess archetypes,,they seem to have an autonomous nature seperate from ego consciousness.

    There are various spiritual practices that can make these archetypes constelated and felt by some of the five senses or perhaps a sixth sense or events in ones life may cause them to make a showing in the psyche.

  • frankiespeakin


    BTW you know that Dragons usually guard some treasure and indicate a bunch of things.

    I think it is all interesting taken from a psychological point of veiw towards understanding ourselves, and seeing a little closer what perculating in the human psyche. Any way I hope this post offers some food for thought.

    Dragons and Serpents

    Basic meaning : Unconscious fears that are repressed and need to be acknowledged

    Symbolism in Dreams

    The Jung/Freud Approach

    ( 1 ) Is the dragon guarding a treasure , or a cave which might contain treasure? If so, the cave probably represents your unconscious, the treasure represents yourself, the dragon that stands between you and your true self represents the fearsomeness of the unconscious, for one who is still afraid of what may be lurking there. This is a repression of the unconscious contents

    ( 2 ) For Jung , the first stage of the individuation process is the conscious ego's heroic struggle {the hero/heroine journey of mythology} to lift itself out of the orginal all-encompassing unconsciousness and to establish control of unconscious forces. This finds symbolic representation in the legendary dragon-slayer, St George (St George = the ego; the dragon = the unconscious).

    (3) The dragon may represent the devouring aspect of (your relationship with) your mother. 'Slaying the dragon' may therefore mean putting an end to whatever in your attachment to your mother is detrimental to the process of finding your own psychic individuality. Once the individual has achieved liberation from the 'dragon', the feminine side of the man's psyche and the masculine side of the woman's psyche will no longer appear in threatening form, but as an indispensable companion and guide in further stages of self-development.

    (4) A dragon may represent the generative power of (Mother) Nature; the unconscious, felt as womb pregnant with new possibilities of life.

    (5) A winged dragon may symbolize some kind of transcendence, some passing from 'lower' to 'higher' level of personal maturity.

    (6) A dragon may be a symbol for your sexuality, particularily if it - your sexuality - frightens you. Is your fear irrationsal; or does sexuality threaten to rule your life? In either case, don't kill the 'dragon'; if necessary tame it.
    (In China, 'chi' is good, life-giving energy and the channels it runs along are called 'dragon-lines', which are said to follow underground water and underground magnetic fields).

    Source: Eric Ackroyd

    From Oxygen Dream Dictionary

    Animal instincts to be conquered, hence the battles of Saint George and Saint Michael with "the dragon." The dragon fight is related to the archetypal themes of search/quest, the hero/heroine, and, in more modern terms, separating ourselves from the collective values of our parents/ancestors. The dragon can symbolize a guardian or guarding quality; something that needs to be guarded/protected in your life/psyche. As a devouring creature, it may represent negative aspects of the mother archetype. It shares much of the same symbolism as the snake, and both can symbolize the developing Self<. In many cultures/legends, the dragon symbolizes wisdom and strength. Because of its hidden knowledge, the dragon often possesses supernatural/magical powers {myth}.

  • AGuest

    What're you doin', dear Poopsie (peace to you!)? Mosey-ing?

    Peace, chile!

    SA, on her own...

  • AGuest
    BTW you know that Dragons usually guard some treasure and indicate a bunch of things

    Other than the Ark of the Covenant and the Garden (in Eden), I did not know that, dear Frankie (peace to you!). I think what you've posted is in relation to the "mythical" dragons that most know of, though. I base that on the little graphic and that the "interpretations" appear to be with reference to dreams, the first of which I do not/have not seen (except in movies/books/comics, etc.).... and the second which doesn't apply because I'm not dreaming when I see what I do.

    Please, take a moment and read what I've posted? Then perhaps you'll have a more accurate view of the difference between maybe what you THINK I am referring to... and what I am referring to.

    Also, rather than discussing dragons on this thread, perhaps we should [all] take the discussion to another thread? I've posted one here:

    Again, peace to you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


    P.S. Your post intrigued me, though, so I checked out the site. I would like to respond to that and will do so on the other thread. Peace!

  • cofty

    You have to wonder about the maturity of any adult who can read about another adult's experiences of communicating with imaginary ugly dragons and take it seriously.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    *munching popcorn and wondering how/if relations between the posters on this thread would be if all were together at Lake Tahoe*

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    When you're in a hole what was it it now,... there's something that you are supposed to stop doing....when you find yourself in hole, shovel in hand with the towering walls of the self dug hole all around what was it it you have to stop doing?

    Cofty, Shelby doesnt know when to stop and I admire your persistence I really do but just face it, it seems that trying to reason with Shelby is like trying to reason with Djeggnog and Larsinger58s hybrid offspring.

  • NewChapter

    Aguest could be peaches and cream, sugar and all things nice, and y'all would still take issue with her.

    Tec: Aguest called me damaged. She said possibly I was damaged in childhood. Remember when I told you how I felt about apologies? My selective need for them, and therefore my selective desire to accept or not accept apologies? Aguest, when disagreeing with me, brought this up and extended it to mean I was unable to accept and apology---and even more---when she said I was unable to accept a wish for peace. This is because I am damaged.

    Now that felt pretty personal. That made me understand that she collects personal information, stores it, and then lobs it as a weapon when she wants to win an argument. A couple of problems with is. First, it was not relevant to the discussion, therefore is was brought in as an outside weapon. Second, she was wrong. She took a little bit of information and made many conclusions and assumptions, and then used these false assumptions as rocks to throw at me, to bolster her view. Third, it was personal. Information shared in a personal moment so that another person would understand me better and could therefore, feel a bit better, was taken and used by this woman as ammunition.

    How do you feel about that? Would you like to tell Aguest that it was out of line? Would you like to point out the reasons why? Would you like to defend me a bit, because an injustice has been done, and I have been misrepresented? Are you going to claim that you didn't see any of this, or any of her other attacks? Would you like a link? Or do I not fit your criteria as worthy of defense. Are my 'sins' bigger than Aguest's?

    I will say this, Tec. We have seen how you've handled these situations. You strongly claim that you are not partial, and bad behavior is bad behavior, be it from Sab, Aguest, Me, or Palm. Your actions seem to indicate otherwise. Here is your chance Tec. Prove that you are neutral and not choosing on the basis of belief or nonbelief.

    Or do you think that it is appropriate for her to call me damaged, unable to accept an apology (not what I said) and therefore unable to have peace?


  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    NC, ah but Shelby doesnt make false assumptions. Why, you ask? Why? Because Her Lord whispers SECRETS about you in her fucking ear, that's WHY!

    Now that we've cleared that up, carry on....

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