Tina - Put up, or shut up!

by Amazing 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Julie: Your such a hoot ... always trying to act like your above it all. You keep talking outside the circle dear ... don't tackle those issues with any specifics ... because you, Tina, and your long gone buddy Amnesian are long on rhetoric and short on substance.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey buddy. If they start gangin up on ya, let me know.I'll come givya a hand.
    More a curse than a blessing that one!

    Not particularly interested in responding to you.
    Youve announced a dozen times already that your "leaving', "farewell', "you got a real life to go to", etc.
    get gone already.

  • Prisca


    Julie's Dame Nelly Melba impersonation is similar to Tina's 8 requests to be de-activated.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Jesus H Christ Pris!
    I been postin this subject 8 hours and your the first person thats directly addressed me!
    Wonders never cease.
    My faith in Humanity is restored.

  • larc


    Your experience with Julie on this thread is very similiar to the script that occurs between me and Julie and Tina. On the self esteem thread, it went like this:

    1. I state something.
    2. They disagree (calm at this point.)
    3. I give further information.
    4. They get insulting.
    5. I reply with more information and no attack on them as individuals.
    6. They tell me they are leaving, because they have no more time for me, and hurl a final insult.

    Very predictable sequence. It happens all the time, with those two.


    ok...who farted?

  • Englishman

    It was me.

    You know what beanz meanz.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Amazing

    Hi Refiners Fire:

    "Jesus H Christ Pris! I been postin this subject 8 hours and your the first person thats directly addressed me!
    Wonders never cease. My faith in Humanity is restored."

    Sorry RF for not commenting back to you ... you made some excellent comments ... and I just didn't get around-to-it. By the why, what does the "H" stand for in Jesus H Christ.

  • waiting

    Howdy Amazing,

    By the why, what does the "H" stand for in Jesus H Christ.
    I've heard the explanation for what the "H" stands for - but can't quote it - therefore, I wouldn't do it justice.

    Do you know what the "H" stands for?{:)}


  • expatbrit

    It stands for Henschel.


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