Hi Kent:
Regarding ego war you stated, "Don't you think you're running pretty hard yourself just at the moment?"
Regarding Citing a single example of my exploding you stated, "Well - your response to my posting is one example - and it's not that old either."
Not a sufficient example ... timeliness is not due to a state-of-mind.
Regarding your claim that I still act like a JW Elder, I asked yuou to cite even one specific example. Your response, "No problems my friend. Take a look at this one from your latest post: 'Kent, your entire comments have no basis in fact or reality ... you are a jonny-come-lately to something that you do not conprehend.'"
So, if I disagree with Kent, that ois gorund for being labeled "Still a JW Elder." Sorry, Kent, that does not wash as evidence, exc ept if we apply that same standard, the by your disagreeing with me, that make you stilla JW in your heart or a JW Elder. No. Poor logic. has nothing to do with JW Elder behavior.
You stated, "Unfortunately, Amazing, I'm not a member of the "Super-race" that comprehend everything us normal shitheads don't."
Kent, comprehension I speak of comes from the fact that you admitted that you didn't read all the issues, thus admitting your lack of being informed ... hence, how can you possibly comprehend something you admit you don't understand? I and others were lied about, and had the crap kicked out of us, verbally, and so we stood up to defend ourselves ... that is all there is too it ... and those we stood up to culd not comes back with any reasonable ebdience to the contrary ... and they act persecuted ... so, by their own behavior and unwillingness to provide substantive evidence, their claims are just that ... claims.
You concluded, "Can you give me the name of your tailor? He must be fuckin' good - making the jacket fit over the wings......"
I did not claim sainthood ... I merely defended myself from inanae and ludricris attacks based on little more than someone deciding that it must be true because they said so ... now, that is their behavior mimicking JW life ... not mine ... they are "Proven" liars and hypocrits ... by their own words.
You are, on the other hand, going off on me with your foul-filth ... cool ... and implying that I am self-righteously walking around like an angel, when in fact you have NOTHING on which to base your assertion but your own claims ... otherwise, you could easily cite something I said or did and then the onus would be on me to either explain myself, or apologize.
No more Kent ... I am not going to sit beck and get trashed by filth-foul claims based on nothing, turn the other cheek and smile as you hit again ... either put up or shut up. Prove your claim, or get off my back. If you want a friendly world, start living it ... don't whine to me about your "claims" of what you say my behavior is ... PROVE IT. Otherwise, you are indulging yourself in your own self-serving hypocrisy. Got it? Hope so.