Tina - Put up, or shut up!

by Amazing 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    JESUS H CHRIST (I went to "Ask Jeeves" and asked.)

    From Paul Tracy in the UK: "During an Internet dialogue, the question came up - why do people say Jesus H Christ? It never seems to be any other letter. It sounds American, but what does it stand for and where did it originate? Holy seems to be a strong candidate, or could it be from "Hallowed be Thy (middle) name"?"

    There have been various theories, but the one that seems most plausible is that it comes from the Greek monogram for Jesus, IHS or IHC. This is formed from the first two letters plus the last letter of His name in Greek (the letters iota, eta, and sigma; in the second instance, the C is a Byzantine Greek form of sigma). The H is actually the capital letter form of eta, but churchgoers who were unfamiliar with Greek took it to be a Latin H.

    The oath does indeed seem to be American, first recorded in print at the end of the nineteenth century, although around 1910 Mark Twain wrote in his Autobiography that the expression had been in use about 1850 and was considered old even then. Its long survival must have a lot to do with its cadence, and the way that an especially strong emphasis can be placed on the H.

    Nineteenth-century Americans weren't the first to take the Greek letters to be Latin ones - since medieval times the monogram has often been expanded into Latin phrases, such as Iesus Hominum Salvator, Jesus Saviour of Men, In Hoc Signo (vinces), in this sign (thou shalt conquer), and In Hac Salus, in this (cross) is salvation.


    Btw, I had heard the funny version, which was something akin to this explanation:

    People say "Jesus H. Christ," which stands for "Jesus Harold Christ" - but in actuality, people are saying (and spelling) it wrong. It should be "Jesus, the heralded Christ" - as when the angels announced him: "Hark! Yonder (southern angels) lies Jesus, the heralded Christ."

    But over time, it got shorted from the original angels saying,
    Jesus, the heralded Christ!
    to Jesus Harold Christ!
    to Jesus H Christ!
    to Jesus Christ!

    That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.


    ps: apologize for any typos - no editing allowed.

  • picosito

    Amazing, et al, should run for President.

  • YoYoMama

    lol...As apostates keep fighting against themselves, the JWs keep preaching the Good News! Who's following Christ?

  • Valentine

    bwaaaa the amazing ego-who thinks narcissism is substance.have a glass off stfu you blowhard. Im sure jwd is looking forward to your boring windy all about 'me' posts to come lol. Get the pro help you need hun.The world doesnt revolve around you.

    Todays Affirmation:
    The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.

  • larc


    Tina, what an answer! What a come back! You are just incredible in your ability to answer someone. I am so impressed. Yes, indeed, Amazing really does need help. The poor man brought up both your praise and your profinity regarding his work. What a shameful man he is. I am so happy you pointed this out to us. You are truely an insightful woman. I am so proud to know you. Keep up the good work, and fight crime at every opportunity.

    Just wondering, can you respond to me without saying, Fuck.

  • bboyneko

    You guys need to get a hobby or something

  • Amazing

    Larc: Goods points in humor. Yes, it is interesting that Tina does not deny or deal with the issues above. She just keeps up the mean little jabs ... that's fine ... it is obvious to me she has nothing better to do or say ... than to keep on repeating her same rhetoric, over and over ... until she even believes it ...

  • Kent

    I have to admit I find all this hurting ego wars a bit tiresome. Amazing, you explode when someone thinks your ego is a bit puffed up - and frankly - it seems that way every now and then. In many ways you STILL behave and react as a JW elder, and you go ballistic if anyone say so.

    Personally - I don't give a damn. I'm just tired of lots of people spending too much energy in fighting each other for the wrong reasons......

  • Amazing


    You say, "I have to admit I find all this hurting ego wars a bit tiresome."

    What ego war do you speak of?

    You said, "Amazing, you explode when someone thinks your ego is a bit puffed up - and frankly - it seems that way every now and then."

    When? Cite a single example.

    You said, "In many ways you STILL behave and react as a JW elder, and you go ballistic if anyone say so."

    Cite even one specific example. What has really happened is that people like Julie, Tina and Amnesian decided they could read my state of mind, and divine from my writing some 'attatude, and they sucked in people like you to believe it. You believe it because they said it enough, and not because there is any evidence.

    On the other hand, I provide this post with overwhelming evidence that Tina a is bold-faced liar, and you call it a war of egos.

    You said, "Personally - I don't give a damn. I'm just tired of lots of people spending too much energy in fighting each other for the wrong reasons......"

    If you didn't give a damn you would not reapond. And this issue was not a fight, or a flame war, or anything like it. Tina opens up her filth mouth and lies about people with malice of forethought, and if those attacks do not respond, they are called cowards, or some other expression. If they respond, they are called ego maniacs. So, maybe you will sing a different tune if one day the rat pack decides to go after you.

    Anyway, Kent, your entire comments have no basis in fact or reality ... you are a jonny-come-lately to something that you do not conprehend.

  • Kent

    Hi Amazing;

    What ego war do you speak of?

    Don't you think you're running pretty hard yourself just at the moment?

    You said, "Amazing, you explode when someone thinks your ego is a bit puffed up - and frankly - it seems that way every now and then."

    When? Cite a single example.

    Well - your response to my posting is one example - and it's not that old either.

    You said, "In many ways you STILL behave and react as a JW elder, and you go ballistic if anyone say so."

    Cite even one specific example.

    No problems my friend. Take a look at this one from your latest post:

    , Kent, your entire comments have no basis in fact or reality ... you are a jonny-come-lately to something that you do not conprehend.

    Unfortunately, Amazing, I'm not a member of the "Super-race" that comprehend everything us normal shitheads don't.

    Can you give me the name of your tailor? He must be fuckin' good - making the jacket fit over the wings......

    Not the Puffed Up Ego Class

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