Tina - Put up, or shut up!

by Amazing 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    OUTLAW, Larc is correct. I can assure you she is not what you think. She is a very kind hearted woman.

    We shouldn't judge Tina either. She has had a rough time the past few months, and that may be the reason for some of what she has said in the past few months. I do not dislike her and hope she forgave me for some things I said about her a while back in chat. I should have got ALL the facts before I spoke, and I didn't. For this reason I didn't think she would have fogiven me and just avoided her.

    Tina, if you are reading this. I am sorry. I just wanted you to know that.


  • gravedancer

    I for one did not like Tina's behavior (I am sure many do not like mine).

    But Tina was provoked. If you have a container full of gasoline - do you light a match near it? If you do, and it explodes in your face, where is the fault? With the match or with the gasoline?

    Just because others may not have cussed at Tina does not mean they weren't always there with the knife. Tina's responses and the responses of others were equally out of line (IMO).

    So just because Tina was the one who was "visible" in the storm of bullshit does not (IMO) mean she should have been the one to get the warning and the boot. Sure we can make the lame excuses such as "she was warned". But why weren't her provokers warned? They know who they are. If you knew she was having a tough time and you knew she was likely to explode, then why didn't you leave her alone?

    Simple answer is: YOU WANTED HER TO TOTALLY SELF DESTRUCT. Well she did. You achieved your objective. Tina is gone. Does that mean you are the winner? Does that mean Tina was the cause of the problem? Does that mean you are innocent?

    Just how stupid do you think we are? What goes around comes around. One day you might be needing help. Don't look to me for it. Someone might just have big boots on when they stand on your face!!

  • WildHorses


    I may be out of line here, but I feel so much anger in your posts. Have felt it for a while now. Is everything ok?

  • gravedancer


    Thanks for the concern for me. I truly appreciate it. I am fine.

    To be honest about my feelings I am not angry. Perhaps I am just showing a side of myself that people were unaware of in the past. Everything I have ever achieved or learned has been self taught. I will question everything and all values....there are no sacred cows or blind loyalties with me.

    Do you sense anger or do I just make you feel uncomfortable? Are you easily able to answer the questions I ask?


  • WildHorses

    I am not sure how easily I will be able to answer the questions you ask, but I will answer to the best of my ability. I'm in trouble now.


  • Kent

    Simple answer is: YOU WANTED HER TO TOTALLY SELF DESTRUCT. Well she did. You achieved your objective. Tina is gone. Does that mean you are the winner? Does that mean Tina was the cause of the problem? Does that mean you are innocent?

    I couldn't agree more, gravedancer. What happened here is a prime example of how low people can get - if you ask me. It's a prime example of a mob - and I don't like what I see.

    I know - I'm a friend of Tina - so my words are "biased" and they don't count. Also, I'm a "a jonny-come-lately to something that I do not conprehend". I see people here, people I used to respect, behaving like complete assholes. The "My dick is bigger than your dick" game has turned into the absurd - and I'm just off this discussion.

    Frankly - there are people here I won't ever waste time discussing with again. I can understand stupidity, and I understand anger. I even accept it.

    But - I do not accept assholes and puffed up baboons, being sheer evil.

    To the ones who didn't like what I said - Go fuck yourselves - I couldn't bloody care less!

  • Prisca


    I also have sensed some anger in the way you respond to things. Not just here on this thread but in other threads and also the chat room.

    It does seem there is something brewing, even something you're not fully conscious of.

    I am concerned about you as a friend, ok?

  • bluesapphire

    Mommy, first of all cute tummy pic. I'm jealous!!!

    But I have to agree with Larc. Tina didn't change her opinion. She denied that she EVER enjoyed Amazing's posts and Amazing showed the proof that she was lying.

    It would have been different if she had said, "I once enjoyed your posts but now I hate them." She didn't say that. She said, "I have always hated your posts." (I'm paraphrasing.)

    Anyways, who cares?

  • VeniceIT

    Puts on goggles ad grabs blow torch!!! I sure hope this thread's made a metal and I can weld this puppy shut .

    AHHHHHH I think I just burned myself, damn that thing get's hot, maybe I should just stick to browing my 'creme' brule with it!!!


  • mommy

    I couldn't agree more with your post. Thank you

    I said I didn't want to argue semantic, or play cut and paste. But I must say that there is a large amount of time between Tina's last posting to Amazing and her comments in December. I am sure there was said something between that time, and I am sure that Amazing posted in that time. So unless I went back and read and recopied all of the comments made between them, there really is no telling if Tina made any negative comments or if she decided to stop posting in his threads. During that time she could have changed(actually it is obvious she did change her mind) on his posting style and character.

    Now the "evidence" that Tina is a proven liar is based on what? One post that was written close to 6 months after the last comment she posted concerning the series. As I said this is reaching on Amazing's part. I felt the need to jump in and say something about it. I really don't want to argue, but I couldn't sit by and see this one go, and I can't stand that he is proclaiming all over the board she is a liar. She has been nothing but upfront and honest on and off this board.

    You are bordering on breaking the new rules of no personal attacks. Surely if you make such a claim, you have proof to back them up. To question a person's identity and character is not taken likely by me. I have been here for a very long time, anyone who knows me will tell you that I speak my mind. If this frightens you, I suggest you don't read my posts.

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