I couldn't agree more with your post. Thank you
I said I didn't want to argue semantic, or play cut and paste. But I must say that there is a large amount of time between Tina's last posting to Amazing and her comments in December. I am sure there was said something between that time, and I am sure that Amazing posted in that time. So unless I went back and read and recopied all of the comments made between them, there really is no telling if Tina made any negative comments or if she decided to stop posting in his threads. During that time she could have changed(actually it is obvious she did change her mind) on his posting style and character.
Now the "evidence" that Tina is a proven liar is based on what? One post that was written close to 6 months after the last comment she posted concerning the series. As I said this is reaching on Amazing's part. I felt the need to jump in and say something about it. I really don't want to argue, but I couldn't sit by and see this one go, and I can't stand that he is proclaiming all over the board she is a liar. She has been nothing but upfront and honest on and off this board.
You are bordering on breaking the new rules of no personal attacks. Surely if you make such a claim, you have proof to back them up. To question a person's identity and character is not taken likely by me. I have been here for a very long time, anyone who knows me will tell you that I speak my mind. If this frightens you, I suggest you don't read my posts.