Tina - Put up, or shut up!

by Amazing 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    I said I was not coming back to this thread, because frankly I do not want to discuss it further. Also I don't think it belongs on the main forum(friends) I believe this should have been posted on Adult and disagreement forum due to the nature of the thread, if not the title alone. Since you did not understand my post I will clarify for you.

    I said her comments from close to a year ago of support were quoted. Now her opinion is different. In the analogy I used, we all at one point, agreed, defended, praised the org. Now, most who post here do not our outlook on it is different. Even after reading the same thing we once agreed with, we can now see the error in our thinking. I know personally I have gone back and read excerpts from mags I thought highly of, yet now I see them for the rubbish it is.

    I do not think that after a person has changed their opinion on what they have read, consitutes calling them a liar. Hindsight is 20/20. Do you understand now?

  • larc


    Let me clarify my comments. I am commenting on the many specific thank you's made by Tina. The last one was on Sept. 8. About fourteen weeks later she turned on Amazing. She did not say she changed her mind. She stated that was negative about his series while she was reading them. This is not what she said when she was reading them.

    Do you understand now?

  • mommy

    So when you were peddling the mags, you were fully aware of all of the false prophecies they contained? And when you were giving talks about Armegeddon, you knew you weren't going to see it in your life time? I doubt it. Does that make you a liar for the talks you gave, or the mags you sold?

    As for 14 weeks, 3 and a half months time frame you are bringing up, what does that have to do with anything? A person has a certain amount of time they are allowed to change their opinion?

  • larc


    When I was in, I believed it. When I left I didn't. I changed my mind. I did not say after words, that I didn't believe when I did, but that is what Tina did. If you go back and read my last post, you will note that Tina gave many thank you's while reading Amazing's series. Later, she did NOT say that she changed her mind. She specificaly said that she had negative thoughts WHILE READING IT. That is a major contradiction.

    Let me try it this way: While reading - good stuff.

    Later - when I read it - bad stuff.

  • larc


    Supose, you wrote something 3 months ago and at the time I said I really liked it. Then, today I said, when I was reading your stuff 3 months ago, I didn't like it. What would you make of that?

  • mommy

    As far as a person having hindsight seeing a person for who they really are. It is easy to go back and see what a mistake you made in your judgement of them. I personally can see how we can be blinded to a posters true personality and agree with some of their comments, yet looking back and taking it all in context realizing what a mistake you made. I would then have to say that everything I had read along the lines of my new "light" so to speak of them, was as I see it at that moment. Just within the last few days I am able to see another side of ones here that turns my stomach to thier posts, yes even past posts. I am able to see it all in context now, and my opinion has changed.

    I am not going to argue with a thread that was posted months ago, and a statement that was made by Tina. I am not here to argue semantics or play cut and paste. I am only saying that because a person feels differently on a subject, even after agreeing with it, does not make them a liar.

    If you read a very good self help book by a person, only later to find out that this person used coersion and fraud, and it was later pointed out to you. Looking back you can see the fraud plain as day. That is my only point here. Now I am really bailing out of this thread

  • larc


    What I am saying is not a matter of semantics. It is a matter of logic. It is one thing to say I liked something and now with all thing considered, I don't like it. It is quite another to say I liked it then, and turn around and say I did't like it then.

  • cellomould

    You made a good point Larc,

    Perhaps it is wise to more readily admit to someone that your feelings have been hurt by their words and/or actions.

    This is not an invitation for them to hurt you more. This is a statement of your right to be treated with respect.

    The alternative and popular course of action is to attack the person who hurt you. Humans always defend themselves when attacked. See the fallacy in this?


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ


    LOL!Hey larc,in the case of mommy,I think your dealing with someone who is pretending to be someone their not.If you think about it ,I think you will realize,it is some one you have delt with before.Your bud...OUTLAW

  • larc

    Well OUTLAW,

    I know there are multiple identities here, but rest assured Mommy is not one of them. I have known her for a year and a half. For the both of us, it was the first group we were part of. We have seen many changes on this board and we have shared many issues together, both here and in private emails. She has done a lot of good for a lot of people, and her expressions of concern are real. I know that it pains her because Tina and I aren't getting along. It also pains me that Mommy and Prisca aren't getting along. I like all the players involved, even Tina.

    So, where do we go from here? I haven't a clue, but I know this journey has not been boring.

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