America Will Execute Brit Today.

by Englishman 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144thousand_and_one
    If facts are boring to you, I understand.

    The quotes you've posted are not facts, but opinion pieces that cite some facts to support their contentions. I can find lots of persuasive authority to the contrary of your posts, but I don't want to bore everyone with a bunch of bullshit like you have.

    You made the claim that Texas is somehow over killing the killers. You are just plain wrong. Your uninformed claims is what is really wasting space here. Please get your facts right....
    I made no such claim, what is the basis for this false accusation? Are you on drugs? As for getting facts right, since the readers on this board can't even trust you to restate what I have posted, they should view any other quotes from you with a healthy amount of skepticism.
  • ThiChi


    You stated: "I am embarrassed that our country has not only overwhelmingly embraced the death penalty, but has also elected a man who as Governor of Texas presided over more executions than any other governor in our history."

    Your Inference here is...? what is your point here? I now use the word "implied" that goes with my use of "somehow".....

    Why make this statement if you don't feel there is a killing problem in Texas? Sorry, you were complimenting Texas DP record......
    you are right, someone is on drugs...........

    Also, Stories quoting studies are legitimate. I also included a study.

    Facts are facts are facts..............

  • Englishman

    I'm not THAT passionate in my opposition to the death penalty. I just feel that it's one of those things that most societies will need to leave behind them as part of their natural development.

    I am quite sure that Americans get thoroughly pissed off when Europeans get all preachy about it. However, we are not much more than a hundred years from the days of the wild west when ALL Americans carried a gun ( Hey I had a gun, but I grew out of it) and killings became part of survival.

    I just feel that America has become such a major player on the world stage that it's time to let go of the cowboy image of guns n' hangings, but that will only happen if the wild west approach is allowed to fade away.


  • ThiChi

    “...just feel that it's one of those things that most societies will need to leave behind them as part of their natural development.”

    Englishman, in a perfect world, I would want the same thing. However, would you not have to completely displace the murdering before you could displace the DP? Is this really possible?

  • Englishman

    Thi Chi,

    It's been interesting, but it's now 33 minutes past midnight so I'm off to get my ZZZzzz's.



  • Geordie

    The expresion i used, "if you cant do the time, dont do the crime" meens that if you dont want to suffer the punishment for your crime, then dont commit the crime in the first place. Therefore, if you commit a crime that carries the death penalty wherever that crime is commited then you pay that price. I am a great believer in the frase "when in rome, do as the romans."
    I think this guy should pay for all eternity for what he did but if a quick painless death is the next best thing then so be it.

    Those ppl in my country that think paying for the likes of Myra Hindley and Peter Sutcliffe to be kept in relative comfort for the rest of there lives with the funds coming from our taxes have obviously got more money than sense.

    In the post you quoted me from i also stated that one of my opinions on this issue would be to let the family's of the victims decide on the punishment of the convicted person. maybe you should read the post again to get a better overvue of it.

    To those that have turned this thread into a UK v USA agument, all i have to say is that just because you are proud of your nation dousnt mean we dont have a right to an opinion. Im english and im pretty much pro the death penalty in your country. Please dont put ppl down from my country just because they dont agree with you, i find this quite offensive.

    P.S. Apparently this guy is from the UK but in my oppinion he doesnt desurve to breath the same air as me. So as far as im concerned you guys can keep him and do with him what you will.

    G'dnight all.

  • DakotaRed


    How many innocent have been slaughtered by the bloodthirsty American, AND western forces?

    Sorry, Logical, but that was not "bloodthirsty American and Western forces" piloting those planes that slammed into the WTC and Pentagaon. Most of the dead in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., are not exactly "innocent civilians." Do innocents die? Yes and it is very traumatic to a soldier to realize that he did kill an innocent one. But, what is the alternative? Give in to radical fundamentalists? Just let them have their way? Are radical Palestinians targeting soldiers or innocent civilians in Israel today?

    If it were possible to only get the bad guys, that is what we would choose. But, so far, that is not possible, but every effort is made to avoid innocents as much as possible.

    Had others stood up to these terrorists long ago, maybe we "bloodthirsty Americans" wouldn't have to now. But, radicals that slam hijacked airplanes into buildings containing bloodthirsty Americans are apparently justified in your eyes.

    The Taliban, Al Queada, and even Saddam Hussein are receiving exactly what they deserve and more.

    Funny thing is, I was just talking to a young apprentice at work today that was living in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War and all those innocents deaths you becry, did not happen, according to her and her family. Her Dad is Palestinian, by the way, not another "bloodthirsty Amercian."

    Maybe you should actually research things before making such ridiculous claims.

    Be thankful that "bloodthirsty Americans" came to the aid of Britain and Europe before. You might just be goose-stepping and saying "seig heil" today, if not!

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • DakotaRed

    Geordie, I made my quote of "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime" without having read your first post. I was using it to show Logical that crime without punishment is not going to happen.

    I am not one against the death penalty, but support in most cases.

    Rest assurred, I was not disagreeing with you and hadn't even seen your other post with the same quote I used. Regardless of where this guy is from, for the crime of rape and murder, deserves the death penalty, in my opinion.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • waiting

    Hello RN

    Nice to meet you. I'm sorry for the circumstances that we meet - speaking about your family history. Such sad, angry, circumstances. Thanks for presenting the victim's viewpoint. At least, in some way, it can be put aside - not away, just aside.


    "Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once" - Buckaroo Bonsai

    Ol' Buckaroo is my favorite movie idol.........such drama! And the music was great to hum along with.


    ps - o, I luv having editing back.........



    from your above article:

    In the 24 years since the Supreme Court authorized the resumption of capital punishment, 620 convicted murderers have been executed.
    Not one has subsequently been proven innocent, despite the intense scrutiny these cases draw from death penalty foes.
    I remember reading an amnesty international report that said there was some question about the guilt of some...maybe not "proven", as stated in your article...but certainly some question as to their guilt or innocence. That same report was also critical of the execution of people with mental retardation, serious mental illness, and juveniles...

    Nevertheless, let us suppose the worst. For the sake of argument, let us assume that the death penalty -- despite all our best efforts, despite all the safeguards and caution built into the system -- leads to the deaths of a few innocent people. Is that a good reason to do away with capital punishment?
    Of course it isn't.
    well me for it is. As I see it, the death penalty has absolutely no deterant effect. So why not just lock the bad guys up for life where they cant harm society, and in the process possibly save a few innocents from the chair. Seems like a good compromise to me.

    Every institution that is of benefit to society also poses risks to society -- including the risk that innocent victims will die.
    Patients die on the operating table because their surgeon made a mistake. Forty thousand Americans die in car accidents every year. Are those good reasons to abolish surgery and interstate highways?

    Well we can hardly ban all human activity and go live in a glass bubble. Living entails risk..thats a fact. But we can minimise risk. We have safeguards and standards in hospitals, on highways...and in our courts. Getting rid of the death penalty would be just another added safeguard against a possible bad decision as I see.

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