How many innocent have been slaughtered by the bloodthirsty American, AND western forces?
Sorry, Logical, but that was not "bloodthirsty American and Western forces" piloting those planes that slammed into the WTC and Pentagaon. Most of the dead in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc., are not exactly "innocent civilians." Do innocents die? Yes and it is very traumatic to a soldier to realize that he did kill an innocent one. But, what is the alternative? Give in to radical fundamentalists? Just let them have their way? Are radical Palestinians targeting soldiers or innocent civilians in Israel today?
If it were possible to only get the bad guys, that is what we would choose. But, so far, that is not possible, but every effort is made to avoid innocents as much as possible.
Had others stood up to these terrorists long ago, maybe we "bloodthirsty Americans" wouldn't have to now. But, radicals that slam hijacked airplanes into buildings containing bloodthirsty Americans are apparently justified in your eyes.
The Taliban, Al Queada, and even Saddam Hussein are receiving exactly what they deserve and more.
Funny thing is, I was just talking to a young apprentice at work today that was living in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War and all those innocents deaths you becry, did not happen, according to her and her family. Her Dad is Palestinian, by the way, not another "bloodthirsty Amercian."
Maybe you should actually research things before making such ridiculous claims.
Be thankful that "bloodthirsty Americans" came to the aid of Britain and Europe before. You might just be goose-stepping and saying "seig heil" today, if not!
If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?