America Will Execute Brit Today.

by Englishman 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi


    You stated that you feel the DP is not a deterrent. I refer you to the study I posted in this thread that shows Homicides did in fact increase when a moratorium was in place for the PD.

    Also, what about murders who got life and then escaped and killed again? You can argue that if they were DP, they would not have created more victims after excaping. So the DP does lower crime. Something to think about.

  • Yerusalyim

    It's kinda hard to bring back the innocents who were killed before.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • gambler

    I am for killing serial murderers, they cant be changed and would most likely kill again.But as for the rest, gang violence, drive by's,road rage shootings,domestice shootings,store clerk shootings,theft shootings and school shootings we need to get rid of the facilating factor whitch is GUNS.When is the last time you heard of a drive by knifing or some one try to kill a police man with a board with a nail in it.I would love for us to adopt Britains policy on guns. It would never elimanate crime but at least we would not have the " shoot out at the OK coral' that we have to put up with now.

  • LB

    Yep Guns kill people. People don't kill people.

    You can have my gun as soon as you remove guns from the criminals hands. I will not give up my gun regardless of what any bleeding heart wants.
    I take personal responsibility for my own safety. I don't expect to be mugged or attacked while a cop is watching. My horrible little handgun has saved my life and the lives of others in the past and I expect it will again in the future.

    There aren't driveby knifings of course, but you'd be shocked at the amount of domestic violence which results in a death by knife, baseball bat or any number of other items found in every home.

    But, when I was the victim of an attempted carjacking a couple of years ago, the little criminal was certainly shocked to see a gun pointed at his midsection. He dropped his baseball bat and ran like the wind. The police got a nice set of prints off it and an arrest was made. He was a repeat offender.

    Yep guns are horrible, but they've saved my butt more than once. I'll keep mine and you can do without if you please, one of the nice things about this country.

    Oh by the way, they'll never remove guns. It's been tried for nearly 40 years now and they can't seem to change the constitution.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Englishman


    Wow, how original. An American who wants to keep the death penalty and also loves guns. A very rare species indeed.You can have mah gun when you prise it from mah cold dead hand yah varmint!

    Now what will be your response, I wonder?

    (a) Bleeding heart Europeans!

    (b) Keep yer damned nose out of Amehuca!

    (c) We saved yore butts in WW2 yah goddam Limey!

    God, I love variety,


  • LB

    Did I ruffle your ruffles Englishman?

    Yup, we love our guns and our death penalty. At least some of us do.

    You sir are free to express yourself however you like. It's always lovely to hear opinions from the great empire.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Geordie

    I play with guns.

    I pretty much agree with the death penalty for serial murderers/rapists/child abusers etc.....

    I agree with what we are doing in Afghanistan and the war against terror.

    I think that the New York fire/police/ambulance departments are fantastic.

    I am proud of my country.

    I am English.

    Hmmmmmmmm. Is there something wrong with me?

  • expatbrit

    LB and Englishman:

    You two are both very nice guys, but you seem to rub each other's fur the wrong way on this issue.

    Perhaps some cooling off time would be good? I've always found that re-directing the conversation towards Canadians has the deisred soporific effect.


  • Englishman


    LB's OK.

    Well, in small doses anyway.


  • LB

    I did have a small dose once. Some antibiotics and it cleared right up.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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