God Changing Chosen Peoples

by eyes_opened 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jr

    Hey all,
    This is a half disent thread. But, I didn't think
    JW's had to argue the pronunciation of God's name. We
    did study that subject quite a bit, I think????? :|?
    Well, if you will.
    Some very good points are being made here. For
    those that have a respect for Jehovah and his word,
    one thing you will find in this discussion, is sound
    scriptural truths. If you listen and study what is
    being said, you will find them.(Prov.2:1-9)
    Welcome aboard Logical!


  • logical

    Hi Jr :)

    RHW and everyone else:

    I have a copy of the "Report". I was asked for no money, not even for shipping ($8.40). Its a real eye-opener, I can tell you.

    Jr is right, there are sound scriptural truths on this board. Please, search them out and take note of them. They are here for your benefit.

    Now, play nicely boys and girls!

  • ianao


    Now we are in business. Now, just post that puppy, or setup a website, and we will know that you have TRUTH, because with TRUTH, there is nothing to HIDE!

    BTW, you've taken the first logical step, in the RIGHT direction.

  • logical


    If the author of the "Report" wishes to publish it online, then thats his choice, but not mine.

    The fact is, most of it is already on this site. But you have rejected this "Truth".

    Recall the Pharisees, when they tried to trap Christ? Thats what I see when these "arguements" pop up. They used all sorts of things so they would have something against him, you know the story. They ended up finding an excuse, and killing him. But it was just an excuse. Nothing bad... Christ did NOTHING bad.

    All he did was provide the correct interpretation and fulfillment of some scriptures, that the Pharisees had DISTORTED to fit their OWN DESIRES. They didnt like this.

    If you had FAITH, you would have realised the TRUTH on this board.

    All the comments are backed up by scripture. "All scripture is inspired by God and beneficial". The scriptures work, they are not "dodgy" interpretations such as a certain organisations, they are actually scripturally sound. You need "Eyes of faith" to understand. Something, Jehovah has given me. Something I intend to maintain and use to its fullest.

    Sorry ianao, we are not in business.


  • Jr

    Hi all,
    I have to agree with Logical. It's not a matter of being "LOGICAL" :)(Oh, that was good :) :) LOL) It's plainly a matter of faith. Faith in God's words enough to trust it and him. But, then too, Jehovah has something to do with it. Remember when Jesus ask one of his apostles who he was. I think it was Peter. Peter said, "the son of God". Jesus replied, that the Father had revealed it to him. So, Jehovah allows some to remain in a veiled state. But, if a person really wants to find truth, Proverbs tells us , he will let himself be found. One must seek for it as if it was sliver or gold. If not, Jehovah knows it can't be worth much to them.

  • Jr

    The truth is simple really. The hard part is finding it. And I have to say, as the scripture show, "Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares".(Proverb 1:20) Yes, boards like this are public places where wisdom is in the street. Think about it.

  • ianao
    Recall the Pharisees, when they tried to trap Christ? Thats what I see when these "arguements" pop up. They used all sorts of things so they would have something against him, you know the story. They ended up finding an excuse, and killing him. But it was just an excuse. Nothing bad... Christ did NOTHING bad.

    All he did was provide the correct interpretation and fulfillment of some scriptures, that the Pharisees had DISTORTED to fit their OWN DESIRES. They didnt like this.

    If you had FAITH, you would have realised the TRUTH on this board.

    Ok. Sounds good logical, and I will remind YOU of what I say to a JW that asks me "where will I go?" based on well-known passages in Matthew when I say that JWs are not the only religion.

    "YOU are not Jesus Christ."
    "MDS is NOT Jesus Christ"
    "I am not Jewish"

    Do you remember the sciptures? If you do indeed remember them, then as I said before, I will not fall prey to FALSE TEACHERS, who say "lo, there be Christ!" *I* prefer to "listen, NOT" as Jesus directed. You see, I listen to HIM. Not YOU. That is also why I won't attempt to cast out demons from MDS, because I KNOW I AM NOT... Jesus Christ, and I KNOW I can't do it!

    You need "Eyes of faith" to understand. Something, Jehovah has given me. Something I intend to maintain and use to its fullest.

    Fine logical just remember what you said to MDS in an earlier post... "I don't need God's spirit to understand you.", this is from memory, so you may have said "Jehovah's spirit".

    You sure didn't need Jehovah to hear MDS. You expressed a LOT of FAITH in the words of another human being, definately NOT born of a virgin.

  • larc


    You said we need faith to accept someone's truth posted here. I don't accept anybody's assertions on faith. I look at the logic of their conclusions, and often they are found wanting. I don't have a copy of the Report. Does it tell what is going to happen at the end of the 70 year period ending in 2001? The author of the Report mentioned this date but never explained it. Also, he mentioned a seven year period and a 42 month period, but didn't provide any detail on these numbers at all. Can you help us here, logical?

  • logical



    Maybe this is the thread we were discussing.

    Fine logical just remember what you said to MDS in an earlier post... "I don't need God's spirit to understand you.", this is from memory, so you may have said "Jehovah's spirit".

    I sure dont recall saying that. If I did, then fair enough, but I am 99.99999% convinced I didnt.

    Were all entitled to our opinions.

    I wouldnt expect you to understand. Maybe you do understand some, but, you dont understand the truth.

    >>> http://www.geocities.com/logical_7/index.html

  • larc


    I was the one that told MDS that I didn't need God's spirit to understand him. This was after I asked him to clarify an obscure statement. He insultingly implied that I was faithless and evil for not getting it. I fully understand his vague conclusions, but as with all "prophets" he won't provide enought detail to demonstrate whether his prophecies will come true or not. Rather than provide detail, he throws up more fog, insulting fog at that.


    As a believer of MDS, any comments on what I just said to Ianao, or the question I posed to you on my last post?

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