Hi Larc,
What would cause you to believe that Jehovah would have the Bible written and just leave mankind in a quandary as to what He wants us to learn from it? It was written by His people, for His people. Jesus certainly spoke in parables to the general Jewish populace and most of them did not understand what he was saying. And most were content with this. However, a few of them were intensely interested and questioned him privately. We, as God's people, still to this day, do not understand these words and I suppose many have concluded that they are not understandable. That is simply not true. Jehovah does not reveal information to humans until it is His time and then it's only at a time when it would be most valuable to them. Yes we have arrived at that 'appointed time'.
Since we have never heard God's word explained correctly, other than what Jesus chose to explain to his disciples and this explanation applied to them in their day, a true explanation today would seem to sound odd or strange to our ears. But we needn't turn it down. We should be like the Beroeans, "carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." And they were checking behind an inspired individual, Paul. So would it be so bad to listen and then examine the Scriptures?
Isaiah 54:11-14 states: "O woman afflicted, tempest-tossed, uncomforted, here I am laying with hard mortar your stones, and I will lay your foundation with sapphires. And I will make your battlements of rubies and your gates of fiery glowing stones, and all your boundaries of delightsome stones. And all your sons will be persons taught by Jehovah, and the peace of your sons will be abundant. You will prove to be firmly established in righteousness itself. You will be far away from oppression-for you will fear none- and from anything terrifying, for it will not come near you." Jehovah promises his people that He will teach them which means that they will understand the Bible in its entirety. Otherwise how would He ever be able to consider them to be righteous. They will need to have absolute truth. Isaiah 55:1-3 contains the invitation to "listen intently" to Jehovah. All truth will be revealed!