Let's Discuss Ray Franz's Books

by Recovery 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GromitSK

    I call Troll.

  • mrsjones5

    I second your call.

  • moshe

    "-on January 24 1972, two residents from Guam discovered Shoichi Yokoi, a Japanese soldier who was hiding in the jungle for... 28 years.

    When discovered, Shoichi Yokoi was 56 years old, he looked skinny but he was healthy, was dressed with a uniform woven by himself from hibiscus fibers and he was keeping an accurate record of time. He attacked the two residents with a fishing net, but they managed to capture him and took him to the police station.

    In 1952, Shoichi Yokoi found leaflets and newspapers and read that the war was over, but he thought it was just American war propaganda and remained hidden in the jungle".


    This soldier had evidence that the war was over in 1952, but he wasted another 20 years because he wanted to believe that Japan had not surrendered and if he just waited long enough he would be liberated-- in the end, misplaced loyalty does not gain you anything.

  • Finkelstein

    OK lets take up the challenge as offered by Recovery in discussing R F books, anything is open to reference the bible or whatever.

    I assume Recovery wont be a coward and run away being that he's strong in the "Truth" !

    The Truth is good for all to embrace, comprehend and value.

    How about it Recovery ?


    OK lets take up the challenge as offered by Recovery in discussing R F books,

    You "can`t" discuss a book you have`nt read..It`s only common sense..

    You don`t join someone in their Insane Dillusion..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    Well said moshe, a very fitting analogy.



    4 pages and Recovery can`t tell us if he`s read "CoC"..

    Thank Simon newbies only get 10 posts per day..

    ..................... ... OUTLAW

  • Finkelstein

    You don't join someone in their Insane Dillusion..

    I know Outlaw , but perhaps he might make the effort and then come back so we can help him out of his insane delusions.

    I do think people put too much emphasis upon R Franz and his books, like its the only plausible source to realize the WTS.

    was and is a fraud. One can prove that convincingly by using the bible, thats why I posed the challenge to Recovery.

    The problem that I'm seeing with this individual is that people haven't the time to go into indepth debate on certain topics so they say please

    read R Franz books, in turn he retorts well you have no scriptural grounds to back your accusations about the WTS/JWS, you apostates are

    a bunch of evil minded pretentious phonies. On this thread essentially he's proposed a debate where he's apparently already won it

    overwhelmingly although he was notably the only one who participated.

  • cedars

    Bless you Finkelstein,

    I do think people put too much emphasis upon R Franz and his books, like its the only plausible source to realize the WTS.

    was and is a fraud.

    The most consistent evidence of the ineptitude and falsity of Watchtower teachings lies within Watchtower publications themselves. Crisis of Conscience is just one of many books that uses quotes from Watchtower publications to highlight these deceptions. What makes the book unique is that it was written by a former Governing Body member, and contains firsthand eyewitness testimony of how pre-occupied the Governing Body is with maintaining the status quo and conforming to self-imposed traditions, to the detriment of their followers. Such a book will likely never be written again, at least not while the organization still wields such influence. Another thing to remember is that it was Recovery who brought up the book in the first place, not anyone else - as the title of this thread suggests.

    The problem that I'm seeing with this individual is that people haven't the time to go into indepth debate on certain topics so they say please

    read R Franz books

    The whole premise of this thread is that Recovery wishes to criticize a book that he hasn't even read based on other people's thoughts about it. Forum posters have every right to insist that he should at least have the decency to read the book before they spend their time entertaining his criticisms of it.


  • JWB

    "Further, turn down foolish and ignorant questionings, knowing they produce fights. 24 But a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle toward all, qualified to teach, keeping himself restrained under evil, 25 instructing with mildness those not favorably disposed; as perhaps God may give them repentance leading to an accurate knowledge of truth, 26 and they may come back to their proper senses out from the snare of the Devil, seeing that they have been caught alive by him for the will of that one." - 2 Timothy 2:23-26 (NWT)

    Recovery, you will note that the above scripture admonishes a Christian to turn down FOOLISH and IGNORANT questionings. This I understand to mean questionings that result in no benefit, questions that are designed merely to stir up contention, rather than resolve issues. Now, I think there are some here who delight in creating contention, but my experience is that many will genuinely put forth their views because they want to benefit others. The benefit they wish to provide for others is expressed in writing about their experiences and sharing what they have learned in personal study and research to the end that they may help free others from the mental bondage that man-made religious organizations can cause.

    On the other hand that scripture clearly puts you and anyone else who would make a claim to being a Christian to express yourself in a humble, mild manner. This, I think, is not evidenced by lumping everybody together as "immature" and their posts as "muck". Is this the way you would speak to people in the field service who might be quite aggressive to your message? What is your motivation here? Is it to castigate (no benefit), or to (as you no doubt see it) pull us out "from the snare of the Devil"? If it is the latter, then help us. Remember the story of the 100 sheep? (Luke 15:3-7).

    But we would still like to know whether or not you have read Crisis of Conscience. It's okay if you haven't, I'm sure we'll be able to share many salient points from it with you.

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