@Christ alone: were you a Jehovah's Witness?
They will be DFing me soon for apostasy...
by RayPublisher 150 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I want to read all that stuff!!!
@DATA-DOG I learnt about that stuff by reading old posts of this forum. But I cheked it with old Watchtower editions.
For instance, Rutherford rejected the aid of the holy spirit in the Watchtower September 1931:
It would seem that there would be no necessity for the "servant" to have an advocate such as the holy spirit, because the "servant" is in direct communication with Jehovah and as Jehovah's instrument, and Christ Jesus acts for the entire body. "The Servant" is anointed to do a specific work. "The servant" is made up of Christ Jesus the Head, the resurrected saints, and the called and chosen ones on the earth who have been brought into the temple and who have entered into the joy of the Lord. Individually those of the remnant on earth must have their standing before God in the beloved One Christ Jesus, and the beloved One is their advocate. Being in the temple, however, there would seem to be no good reason, why there should be an advocacy in their behalf by the holy spirit, since the Lord is now with them. .......................Instead of the "servant's" being moved into action by the operation of the holy spirit as a helper, the Scriptures seem clearly to teach that the Lord directs his angels what to do and that they act under the supervision of the Lord in directing the remnant on earth concerning the course of action to take.(Rev. 8: 1-7. )
As we read, the Rutherford-servant class regarded themselves, not a humble group of bible students, but the only God's channel with no necessity of the holy spirit. It is one of the greatest heresies I ever read in my life.
opus dei - "It is one of the greatest heresies I ever read in my life."
...this must be because you trully understand the way the holy spirit works...right?
...may I ask where or from whom you recieved such education regarding the holy spirit?
@Elephant - Jesus said that the holy spirit would be another PARACLETOS he send to help us. Rutherford was very presumptuous by thinking that he was the channel of God and he did not need the aid of this indispensable helper for all christians. This is why Rutherford proclaimed false prophecies and false interpretations, because he rejected this essential helper.
What happened??
They Df'ed you?
Maybe this has been covered but you said she kicked you out of the house? How did that happen? In Canada that would be desertion even under stressful conditions. She may need the house for the kids, but you are the bread winner I would suspect and is your name on the mortage?
Do you support her and the kids monetarily, and keeping the mortgage up to date.. Did you visit the lawyer and get a court date to prove you are supporting her and the kids and you want visitation 50/50? Does she work too? If so you have as much right to the kids as she does. You have not committed a crime against the kids, only left your faith system... in the eyes of the law, I dont think they recognize that, or should not as the state and religion should not mix..
I noted you addressed your letter to Dear Sir/Madam..... un un -- no women allowed!