They will be DFing me soon for apostasy...

by RayPublisher 150 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • clarity
  • RayPublisher

    Well those are some interesting ideas..lemme think about it lol

  • Elephant

    ray publisher-

    question...why didnt you just walk away from the religion? thousands of people do it everyday without all this hassle...just curious...

  • Scott77


    View being disfellowshiped as a badge of honor. Its the greatest gift of life you will get, the gate way to freedom from a cult. It should be their loss and your gain. Good luck man.


  • RayPublisher

    @Elephant - Please try and read the previous pages when you have time- that way you will know what questions have already been asked and answered. Thanks!

    @Scott77 - I'm beginnning to look at it that way lol...definitely their loss that's for sure- the WT isn't losing their "worst" members, they are losing their best.

    (For more info on this see my video, "Elders - The Good The Bad and The Ugly" linked to below)

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Elephant, I have NEVER seen someone that was able to walk away from the religion with no hassle. If you fade the elders will continue to visit to "encourage" you. This is, among other things, to see of you will come back to the mind control, or see if you have sinned yet, meriting a df ing. Or You can tell the elders what you disagree with and they will df you. There are not any other options. At least ray publisher is standing up for what he believes in. Something cowardly jws could learn from.

    Regardless, you know that there is no such thing as quietly leaving. If you leave and decide to do something like celebrate a birthday, they will df you and completely destroy your ties to your jw family.

    It really makes me sick when I hear a jw say that nonsense.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    Damm, I am so sorry this is going to happen to you when there are so many wicked men and women in the Organization. You were too honest for your own good, it's dangerous to speak your mind, even with a mate. I found it to be comforting to have cut most of my conditional friends off over the past few months, it won't be hard for someone who has no association or desires any association with fake people.

    What sucks is all the good things you did in your life as a Witness will be tossed out into the wind, people will believe the lie over the truth. Who will stand up for your side of these issues, "God is not unrigtheous so as to forget your fine works!"

    Ray, the easiest way they start to attack dissidents is labeling them "insane, paranoid, PTSD, emotionally imbalanced", I pray you ignore and don't allow the silly shunning to break you down.

    Are you comfortable with the direction your life is heading now, are you ready to move on with your life? Dogpatch's thread on volunteers was interesting to me, people who blogged are moving on with their life. Fixating on the negative will destroy the joy you might be able to discover once you create a new identity for yourself. You need to fill in the void that was a huge part of your life with new positive things, people and hobbies.

    You seem like you have a good personality, you won't have a hard time making new friends if you can leave this mess behind. Once you dump all the negative people behind, fill yourself with things you were held back from doing, you will be ok. God Bless You and I Hope Jehovah keeps his loving hands on you.

    I probably won't be far behind you at the rate I am traveling this road now, I am ashamed of all the cowards who want to be worldly (celebrate christmas, birthdays, do drugs, steal, lie, cheat on taxes, practice Corban, hating their neighbor and Pedophiles or family who sexually violated their siblings.) while claiming to be strong Jehovah Witnesses. Jehovah might use you to help others see the farce we call a "loving brotherhood" that does not exist. You are in my prayers tonight, please read the book of Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar will be waiting to test your integrity to Jesus. I am going to spark up a fat one tonight for medical reasons for you, one day we will smoke the peace pipe together!

    God Bless You, May you have inner peace from above!

  • WontLeave

    I disagree with the "leaving quietly is impossible" theory. I believe the Watchtower know most JWs have been kept ignorant of Scripture and are at least somewhat worshipful of the Society and the elders. They know they'll have the upper hand in a judicial hearing, because they will outnumber the accused at least 3 to 1. In extreme cases, they'll call in the "big guns", including the overseer in the mix. The Society will provide the JC members with all the information they need and in addition to the 3-on-1 situation, there will be an unseen mass of people who have been researching and pondering the allegations against the accused.

    They also know the majority of people who leave do so for the wrong reasons and are either doing something actually in violation of the Bible or making a rash, emotional decision. It's a rarity for someone to actually leave over a true crisis of conscience or out of disgust for the obvious cult activity in the Watchtower religion. I shamed the elders over and over again in the back room. I bludgeoned them with Scripture, reason, history, science, statistics, etc. They left every meeting bewildered, frustrated, embarrassed, and/or at least somewhat converted to rationality.

    I stopped attending meeting and never heard anything about it. I called out the governing body on being Pharisees and JWs for committing idolatry by worshiping a printing company and was never invited to a JC over it. I inform and question JWs who accidentally come to my door and have never been confronted about it. If they smell blood in the water, they will attack you relentlessly. At least in my case, they seem to realize confronting me is a suicide mission and I'm pretty sure they know I'd have the whole thing recorded and online within hours. The whole English-speaking world would be able to watch them getting an ass beating with the Bible and their own corrupt and incongruent literature if they every dare challenge me. Every JW planning on leaving should - instead of hiding and cowering - start preparing and arming themselves. Always, always, always have a recorder - video if possible, audio at least - with you whenever dealing with elders, because they will lie, Lie, LIE. Their power is in revisionism and propaganda. Take away their ability to control information and spin; then they will want nothing to do with a confrontation. Information and truth are their kryptonite and if they know their actions will be revealed, they will run, screaming. Darkness flees before the light.

    As soon as you realize the stupid, ignorant, old men who make up the body of elders in every congregation don't matter, the more empowered you'll be. As soon as you realize the Watchtower printing company is just another cult trying to farm as much power and money as possible from people, the more empowered you'll be. As soon as you realize the crazy old men at the top are nothing but self-appointed phony figureheads, jet-setting around the world and making appearances like the "royal family" of England, the more empowered you'll be. As soon as you realize all the literature is written by losers and idiots who felt being slave labor for a crazy cult (if you think you're in a cult at a congregation level, try being in "Bethel") than face their nowhere, nothing life, the more empowered you'll be.

  • HelpMeBelieve

    Won't leave, what information are you going to provide that is damning to his judicial body? Can you provide Ray with some insights before he is thrown before the lions?

    Ray could use some extra input whether he decides to use your information or not, it would arm our brother even more so. He is going into a rigged meeting, throw some Aces up his sleeve as he play's the biggest game of spiritual poker in his life!

  • WontLeave

    Well, Help, that depends. Nothing will be damning in the minds (what's left of them) of the JC. They are the ones most willing to worship the Watchtower printing company. The majority of current elders are the result of sifting out all the men with consciences and any actual Christianity. Men who use "Jehovah", "Watchtower", "faithful and discrete slave", and "me" interchangeably. "If you don't listen to me, you're disobeying God" is their attitude. One more point is they are not "lions"; they are nothing. The only reason to even accept an invitation to a JC is to get a recording of the brutal reaming you're about to give them for being idolaters and blasphemers. This gives the elders the opportunity to show their true colors and lets anyone who wants to see them recite the Watchtower dogma. They will eventually be backed into a corner on issues where there is no Biblical backing for a belief and be forced to recite Watchtower articles as "Scripture". Especially when Watchtowers and the Bible are diametrically opposed, there are many scriptures available to refute their false stance.

    When called out on this action, they will ultimately have nothing left but their default reply that JWs are a private club and they reserve the right to throw anybody out who doesn't conform to the bylaws of the Watchtower printing company. This, they started with me, but I responded by reminding them they claim to be "the only true Christians" and Christ extended an open invitation for anyone thirsting to come and drink life's water free. This doesn't sound like a private club, but a very public event that is open to all who wish to attend. If Christianity is public and JWs are private, then JWs obviously aren't Christianity.

    If they know you’re packing a recorder, they will not come right out and admit they don’t care what the Bible says, what God says, or what Jesus says and that only the Watchtower matters. This is a reality that only baptized JWs are ever allowed to be privy to, because JWs can be coerced into keeping their mouths shut. If they succeed in DFing a JW, then no JW will believe anything he/she says, because then that person is “apostate” and speaks with the lying tongue of the Devil himself. Audio recordings, on the other hand, don’t lie. Of course, they have to know you’re capable of such a thing and have zero regard for their phony authority. On some level, even the most brainwashed JW elder knows when he’s bald-faced lying. He realizes any sane, rational person will see his lie for what it is. They will act a lot differently when they know they’re being observed, as most people do. They know they can’t DF someone over telling the truth without exposing their true selves and that is something they will not do.

    Perhaps these men realize “JJ” is still somewhat indoctrinated. From his videos, I see he calls JWs “the truth”, men he has little or nothing in common with “brothers”, and uses a lot of the Watchtower lingo that normal people just don’t use. I mean, who says “ones” instead of “people”? When he talks, he sounds like a Watchtower article and I think they realize it. He’s still “in”, mentally and emotionally and they’re going to use it against him.

    I preached more and with more success than anyone in my congregation and probably district, but rarely attended meetings. They’d give me “We missed you at the meeting last night.” I’d come back with “I missed you in the ministry all week.” I shoved all their saccharine sentiments, phony concern, fake love, and hypocrisy right in their faces and made no attempt to sugar-coat it. I’d call them out as publically as they tried to shame me into conforming to the hive mind of the collective cult mentality. I was verbalizing outright shock at things expressed by Witnesses, printed in articles, and spoken from the podium at conventions for at least a year before I couldn’t take it anymore and just quit attending. I hadn’t attended a “special assembly day”, circuit, or district event in about 2 years. People would gush about how fantastic it was and that I really missed out. I asked them “So, what did you learn?” They’d start recounting various subjects and I’d stop them with “You didn’t already know that stuff?” Of course, they had already heard it all before, so I’d ask again “So, I’m not asking what you heard. What did you LEARN?” Of course, they had nothing. Long before I physically removed myself, they already knew I didn’t see them as any special people with any special information.

    Elders are trained to capitalize on weakness and fear. The Watchtower subtly trains everybody to be an opportunist. The “theocratic” “ministry” “school” (wrong on all counts) trains JWs to look for a person’s emotional weaknesses and pounce on them. Do they have kids, handicaps, problems, fears? Use those! Of course, it doesn’t sound like that, especially to the ones being told to do it. Elders are similarly trained to be sociopaths in their dealings in the back room. Even if they themselves don’t realize it, they’re trained to be ruthless pit bulls, sniffing for the easiest way to destroy someone. They’re trained to gang up on and intimidate their prey. Usually people in cults are not confident, knowledgeable, rational, logical, and intelligent. The elders are powerless against these traits and they do not possess them, themselves. Someone questioning or leaving may actually have some combination of these and can use them to deal devastating blow after blow to the Watchtower-worshiping weirdos who are appointed as elders by the power-hungry Society and its self-important overseers.

    If someone can think on their feet and has a wealth of Bible knowledge to draw from, the elders will be terrified of you. They don’t expect to be confidently defied from across the table. They are used to trembling, submission, and awe. It totally throws them off their game when you attack them instead of being their punching bag. Especially having been an elder, “JJ” should know what to expect and how to defend against it, if he has done any real Bible study. If he hasn’t, then it’s a little late now to start worrying about how to reply to someone who demands an accounting of his faith.

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