Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • designs

    Any guy who Sprays Insta-Hispanic on his face (and not his ears and hands) needs some explaining to do

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Mitt makes over $1 mil per month.

    That works out to around $35k PER DAY, or in 2 days he makes more than most people make ALL YEAR. He makes $10k while asleep overnight.

    Sure, it'd be interesting to see what tax strategies he uses, etc so I could aspire to be so wealthy (and I'm assuming he didn't attend a "get rich in real estate" seminar, lol!)

    Not that it matters: he probably knows he's not winning it, so it's not worth bothering, at this point anyway.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    so we're just supposed to take his word for it without seeing for ourselves?

    this once again goes into why i question your sources. all we have is mitt saying he did it and a few people saying he did it. ok, so show it.

    then, anyone who has taken even basic statistics, would see the holes in the mathematical logic you used.

    so he inflated his donations in 2011 when everyone knew he was running. that would play heavily into the numbers in the past 20 years.

    you have to question your sources and verify if they are right.

    just like the gif image. even the author had to back away from the only bit of "evidence" he had to "prove" that the video was chopped.

  • botchtowersociety
    so we're just supposed to take his word for it without seeing for ourselves? have to question your sources and verify if they are right.

    OMG, you sound exactly like a Birther. All the information is certified twice. First by a lawyer from a top 20 law firm. Second by the general counsel of a Big Four accounting firm. And then you have the statement of the former IRS commisioner!

    then, anyone who has taken even basic statistics, would see the holes in the mathematical logic you he inflated his donations in 2011 when everyone knew he was running. that would play heavily into the numbers in the past 20 years.

    No it wouldn't. The 20 year figure is for 1990 through 2009! 2011 doesn't figure into it! Have you even taken basic math and English classes?

    just like the gif image. even the author had to back away from the only bit of "evidence" he had to "prove" that the video was chopped.

    Lulz. More lies from RBIH.

  • designs

    Oh now bts you're not half trying to insult us, com'n give it another try

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon


    "OMG, you sound exactly like a Birther. "

    Is that meant as a complement? Isn't 'Birther' basically synonymous with GOP?

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    birthers had ever right to question, when the gov't stepped forward and proved it, they should have shut it.

    to simply believe the guy who manages his blind trust is foolhardy, you can't really be that blind. you just can't.

    everything in the language of those statements is mathematically/statistically significant. i'm really flabbergasted you can't see that. it's basic math we're talking. that alone makes these statements sideshow until the actual documents are released and people can verify the math for themselves.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades


    this is where you got the gif image from the guy who does your thinking for you.

    this is the article in question

    notice how it's been updated?

    now, this update must have been one of several, because originally all the author had was this:

    UPDATE: Animated GIF. There is a slight change in the two minutes. which could be lighting, could be my poor animation skills, or could be the effect of the waiter’s hand goning going on the table, but is still too tiny to be “fixing the camera.” Unless you really, really, really want it to be.

    that came after several of his readers corrected him over the issue of the supposedly non moving camera by way of this tricky thing called "math" mixed with a little bit of "logic". turns out the image did move.

    now it looks like it's been edited a couple times and it seems he's gone through some mental gymnastics so complicated the governing body would be proud.

  • botchtowersociety

    RBIH. You said he retracted his statement. His original statement was that there was no way the camera could have been handled after a failure, since the shots aligned too well.

    He did not retract that statement. From your own quote of the update:

    ....but is still too tiny to be “fixing the camera.” Unless you really, really, really want it to be.

    He did not retract it. So you have been caught with your pants down yet again.

    You seem to lack even the most basic reading comprehension skills, RBIH.

  • Qcmbr

    I still feel that we are all on the titanic arguing about the quality of rivets used in the ship's construction. If anyone can explain why someone who has the ability to make legal ( though not very altruistic ) financial choices that maximises personal wealth shouldn't be eligible for leadership in a time of financial Armageddon then I'm all ears. The very qualities some posters are insinuating about Mitts financial 'ability' would seem to be those most useful right now for a US economy that is in need of restructuring.

    The questions shouldn't be bogged down in underwear choices, where someone prays, how much tax they paid last year, whether they wear too much dark make up. The challenge ahead is too momentous to be frivolous with our bias. Who will get the US to a better place in 4 years time, Obama or Mitt?

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