Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters

by darth frosty 553 Replies latest members politics

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    BTS said:

    "They released his average tax rate over the past 20 years too:"

    Nope, sorry: nice try, but we're gonna have to see the certified originals, not averages. Did you settle for a facsimile or average of BOs birth certificate? I think not!

    Mitt probably boosted his charitable contributions in 2011, knowing he'd be running. In fact, since you've got Biden's back to 98, that would be an interesting comparison with Mitt: all returns back to 98.

  • designs

    If he's been quicky clean let him show 12 years like his father did. He could have cleaned up his act for this run, 1999-2009 may show some of his sources. The IRA needs to be explained to the public or to a business class

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Knowing Mitt, he'll drag it out, and then release them one week before the election, thus ensuring maximum damage to his own campaign, lol!

  • botchtowersociety

    Now the lefties are saying he paid too much in taxes, which is hilarious. They've been going on for months that he's paid too little, and Harry Reid spread a lie that he paid nothing.

  • designs

    SEC has Bain & Co. on their radar, they already showed they were shifting fees/income around to get a lower tax rate.

  • botchtowersociety

    Statement From Former IRS Commissioner Fred Goldberg

    I have reviewed Governor and Mrs. Romney’s joint tax return for 2011, including returns for the Ann and Mitt Romney Family Trust, the Ann D. Romney Blind Trust, and the W. Mitt Romney Blind Trust.

    My reaction following this review is the same as my reaction after reviewing the 2010 returns. As I said then:

    These returns reflect the complexity of our tax laws and the types of investment activity that I would anticipate for persons in their circumstances. There is no indication or suggestion of any tax-motivated or aggressive tax planning activities. In my judgment, they have fully satisfied their responsibilities as taxpayers. They have done so by relying on a highly reputable return preparer and other advisors, who have in turn relied primarily on information provided by third parties to them and to the IRS. The end result of that process has been returns that include a multitude of schedules, IRS forms and accompanying statements that provide appropriate transparency and the proper payment of taxes that Governor and Mrs. Romney owe under current law.

    Fred Goldberg
    Former IRS Commissioner
    September 21, 2012

  • botchtowersociety

    Letter from PricewaterhouseCoopers General counsel. They have prepared Romney's taxes over the entire 20-year period. Contra RBIH's insinuations, they certify these numbers for the past 20 years.

    The BBs and the rest of the assorted fruitbasket of O-bots have been banging on this pot for at least six months.

    Rope a doped.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    So if there's nothing to hide, all the more reason to release the returns! SHEEZE! It's like pulling teeth, as it's not like we're asking to see his magic underwear....

    UNLESS, maybe Mitt thinks he's, I dunno: "special"? Maybe the principles of voluntary disclosure apply to the poor putzes like Biden, but not the ultra-rich upper class? I mean, wealth DOES have its privileges, right?

  • designs

    Someday they may even be posted so we can all learn of 'the complexity' used by Mitts investment team....sort of a Tax shelter 101 course.

  • botchtowersociety
    So if there's nothing to hide, all the more reason to release the returns! SHEEZE!

    Why should he? He's already complied with the law and more. "Where's the Birf Certificate!!!!!" The Democrats' equivalent of the Birthers will just continue to flagellate themselves into a rabid froth. Win/win.

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