You are not the arbiter for logical arguments in this forum. Your assumption that it is a logical fallacy is a fallacy. If you knew about argument styles and critical thinking, you would question the WT yourself. No one here has ever asserted that they have universal truth, goodness, and justice. Only a few posters think God directs their moves. They are the exception in this forum.
Let us move beyond your technical faults. The whole body of this forum raises very serious questions about WT lies and constant doctrinal changes. My father was a Bethelite and I heard tales of corruption and distortion (and most of all hypocrisy) from loyal Witnesses who had no reason to lie. I knew them from when I was born until they died - a whole bunch of them from when Bethel was small and everyone knew everyone else. To be fair, I don't think the WT is worse than the Catholic Church - altho the Catholic Church brought us great art, theology, and music. The Church was society.
I was taught from my toddler years that the org. was Jehovah's and Jehovah was God. Rah, Rah, WT. The WT was pure. No one other org. and tellingly, no individuals since the apostles died, ever had God's support. All was evil and rotten. Poets, healers, storytellers, bards, etc. were all evil. Knowledge was evil. REading was evil. Only the precious WT was correct about anything. Women were whores- a bag of bones and a hank of hair, if I recall my mom correctly. Only a few months ago, Selma and Steve were a great duo. Selma was told to have the hell beat out of here in the great hope that after many years of sustained beatings, her husband might convert. Only the writers goofed and never reported whether his conversion to the Witnesses stopped his brutality. It only encouraged worse bruality in my family.
I will grant that you are slightly slicker than most Witnesses I encounter, which may say more about the Witnesses I encounter than Witnesses. Common sense makes good argument. Gut feelings.
You are data dumping and not doing it well. Pulling apart someone's reasoning does not relieve you from a moral duty to make certain that you are correct. What amazed me when I arrived here was the universality of the Witness experience. Witnesses are not allowed to ever speak ill of the WT. I just assumed I was weird and unique. Daily reading of posts reveal common patterns, experiences, and gripes.
I submit this is the greatest truth that sums up my point succintly. YOu can post here with freedom, moderated by administrative rules set by the forum owner. We do not have the freedom to post on God, I hate this place. I believe God gave me free will, not a collar to be yanked by the Wt as though I were a slave.