Jwfacts, Why Do You Equate Miracles With Magic?

by Recovery 398 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Recovery

    NewChapter has no argument in defense of Jwfacts and can do nothing but simply dazzle us with longevity and rhetoric, when it was her own definition that showed us the difference between magic and miracles. In case you didn't see what NewChapter posted for us, let's look again

    miracle ('m?r?k ? l)


    an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause

    magic ('mæd??k)



    the art that,by use of spells, supposedly invokes supernatural powers to influence events;sorcery

    I think the difference is easy to understand and discernible to all reasonable people with common sense. No amount of weeping and gnashing about the WT/UN/NGO issue is going to change what you have shown us to be the definitions and thus the difference between magic and miracles.

    Sorry for interrupting. Please continue weeping and gnashing and the lashing out at the WT, because it will not change the facts. Would you like some Listerine and Kleenex?

    No one is going to defend their favorite website to quote from? Jwfacts? Can you image what apostates would say if a Watchtower came out and said the apostles and the prophets used magic and that magic is okay from God's standpoint. We'd never hear the end of it. If jwfacts is so blatantly deceptive and misleading when it comes to something as basic as magic/miracles, it makes me call into question everything on their website.

    Hmmmmmmmmm. Hold your exJW websites to the same standards you hold every WT article. Scrutinize, expose, and belittle the foolery. I'm waiting. Do I hear crickets in the background?

  • mrsjones5

    Still running. So much fun to watch a troll run. So much fun.

  • Recovery

    So much fun to watch someone who can do nothing but call you names because they can't overcome your arguments.



    BandOnTheRun is in constant pain..She suffers..

    As Educated and Brilliant as she is..

    Sometimes her meds get in the way of what she intends to post..

    On her Worst Day..

    Band is More Intelligent than you`ll ever hope to be.

    The Crickets you Hear..Are in your Empty Head..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • NewChapter

    Does anybody have a good recipe for pumpkin soup? I used to get it in the Fall at this little restaurant near work, and it was so good. I think it was made with cream (sooo fattening) and was seasoned with nutmeg and such.

  • Razziel

    This is like arguing over what the definition of is, is. Bill Clinton would be proud.



    Good call!..

    This deserves to be a Pumpkin Soup thread..

    Coconut Pumpkin Soup..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • mrsjones5

    My daughter just had me buy some pumpkin tea. She loves it. I haven't tried it yet, not a big fan of pumpkin.

  • yesidid

    Some pumpkin is better than others.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Recovery, get over yourself. I noted how you side-stepped MY posts, since you cannot admit that I had a valid point.

    Interesting you accuse jwfacts.com of committing a false analogy, complaining that equivalency doesn't exist, but then YOU turn right around and do exactly the same thing: you compared a single individual who doesn't represent his writings as anything else but his OWN opinion, with a multi-billion $ religious organization which has well-defined eschatology which is SUPPOSED to be grounded in scripture.... Undermine yourself much?

    Bud, if you realized you are only half as slick as you seem to think you are, you'd be twice as humble as you are.....

    And for the record, I do believe you have a kernel of valid point within that mess you posted, in that you cannot criticize someone for using deceptive tactics (eg WT's extensive and well-documented use of quote-mining and cherry-picking in pubs) while you engage in exactly the same tactic.

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