Jwfacts-- More Lies But This Time About The Great Crowd

by Recovery 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    O and a suggestion Recovery, you seem to be pretty sharp, go over the revelation book. It's true that events in revelation are not always in order, but one thing is in order, trumpet blasts and the opening of seals. You'll see several parts are done in order and then some visions and things are out of order. Anyway, take note of what are the socalled fulfillments of these things. Also pay close attention to what happens on the seals and trumpet blasts, etc. You'll find that we are still waiting for things to happen, (I'm just making this up as an illustration, but lets say we are still waiting for the 5th trumpet blast, but the 6th trumpet blast was fulled in 1925 when Rutherford said Millions now living will never die, again I just made that up since I don't remember offhand but you'll find very similar things). Anyway things like that were the start of me doing my own bible research and realizing a lot of our understanding of prophecies is very very wrong. Feel free to message me if you ever want to discuss. I am very very much like you. And I haven't left God or lost faith in him, so it doesn't happen to everybody. I compare myself to a Charles Russell in the sense that he saw nobody had the truth, so set out to find it from the source itself.

  • tootired2care


    wt$ changed interpretations =/ lies

    other non-wt$ interpretations = lies


  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    Well I'm still a Jw. Still pioneering. Still reading the older nutty quotes and still fully functional. I probably know more about science (specifically, evolution) than most people here and most JW's in general, but I'm still here. Welp, there goes your theory.

    so you know about:

    beth shan, beth sarim

    you know that 1914 was originally calculated by using the pyramids and that it was 1915 until they realized there was no year 0

    you know that they were overtly racist rather than some of the covert stff we're seeing today

    you know that evolution is fact and that the jws teach it's not

    you've reconciled all of this with their stances on organ transplants which literally killed people until they corrected that little hiccup

    and you've seen allllllllllllllllllllll the prophecies that have come and gone with some nice truth massaging...

    and yet you still believe.

    stunning. i forgot people could be sucked in that deep.

    you know about 1984, you know about 1975, you know about the miracle wheat or how russel was forced to admit he was a liar while on the stand in canada?

    you know that they "sold cancer cures" back in the early days...man i'm JUST getting warmed up. this isn't even the tip of the iceberg. that was just the lone electron from the highest hydrogen atom on the iceberg. i haven't even touched the toxic dumping, the child abuse scandals, the fremont kingdom hall stuff and there's so much more.

    you need to do some serious studying and soul searching regarding this stuff because i can't see how a rational being can be confronted with alllllll of that and still believe it's not grade a mierda.

    so i'm curious. how is it that such a perfect god could somehow get his communication all screwed up. let's not forget:

    • he's PERFECT.
    • he can do no wrong.
    • and most importantly, his truths never change

    that is basic wts theology right?

    so once again, with THAT in mind, how is it in any way, shape, or form REASONABLE to conclude that god was cool with the witnessesproclaiming so many false prophecies? that stumbled quite a few people and i know the watchtower tells you that they simply weren't strong enough, but my answer to that is...no true scotsman.

    the kicker though, is that under oath, on trial, your boys admitted that they pushed false prophecy and that it was more important to keep the witnesses in line and marching to the beat of the WRONG DRUM, rather than for you guys to have an independent thought.

    and somehow you're okay with all this?

  • EndofMysteries

    ratherbeinhades - depends what kind of evolution you are referring to. that all life came from a soup is a theory! the reason africans have black skin and icelanders have white skin is the only kind of evolution that is fact.

  • Recovery

    Time is at Hand, 1916 edition. Opening forward:

    "Our mistake was evidently not in respect to the ending of the Times of the Gentiles; we drew a FALSE conclusion, however, not authorized by the Word of the Lord."

    9-1-83 wt
    "Although the Bible Students had elders and deacons (ministerial servants), FALSE religious ideasstill prevailed in some respects. Thus right into the 20th century elders were chosen by the congregations through a democratic voting process, indicated by a show of hands."

    The WT has admitted to reaching false conclusions and promoting false religious ideas. I am just waiting on jwfacts to admit the same. THAT'S the difference between the two.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Ahhhhhh....so Recovery is a pioneer. Makes sense now. He's using this forum to count time.

  • mrsjones5

    Difference is JWFacts can't disfellowshipped anyone for pointing out any of his possible mistakes.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades


    that all life came from a soup is an old theory and very much irrelevant to evolution itself.

    that said, evolution and god do not have to be mutually exclusive, although in my view point it simply leaves me at the agnostic stage.

    most of the time lol

  • tootired2care

    The WT has admitted to reaching false conclusions and promoting false religious ideas. I am just waiting on jwfacts to admit the same.

    Why would he have to admit anything about his own alternative view? He is under no burden to do so, as he is not trying to pen in millions of people to a treadmill life of burden like the wt$ is, based on false claims and origins. They are the ones that need to prove beyond doubt their fanciful claims of selection by Jesus, and their interpretations are the right ones, for the yoke they seek to impose on us. So far they havn't.

    If you don't like jwfacts viewpoints, you are free to ignore it, simple as that, and you call it lies, how arrogant of you.

  • sabastious
    The WT has admitted to reaching false conclusions and promoting false religious ideas. I am just waiting on jwfacts to admit the same. THAT'S the difference between the two.

    You make me ill sometimes, Recovery. How many people has JWFacts disfellowshipped for challenging his sound advice? How many familes has he ripped to shreds? How many suicides is he culpable for? To compare him with the Watchtower in the way you did is a dirty remark (ad hominem! Hypocrite!). In the recent apostasy trial, RayPublisher, was asked if he was "expressing differing views than the society." Like that was some sort of infraction! You are insulting JWFacts with no basis other than you don't like his website because it rightfully trashes your religion that you sold your soul too. You are shameless, man, shameless! If I were president I would throw you in the brigg for being sick and twisted beyond what I believed was possible. F**k you, neo-nazi.


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