Jwfacts-- More Lies But This Time About The Great Crowd

by Recovery 278 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lozhasleft


  • EndofMysteries

    Recovery - my mother is the poorest of poor and there are some things even the government won't help with. When I was born, it was told that for sure the end would come before anybody born in 1914 was dead. The generation expecting between 70 and 80 years old even. So they thought I wouldn't even hit high school. Since everyone is told to take what comes in the watchtower as from God himself, if it was possible they might hit old age, they would have saved for retirement. But why would you save 4,000 or more a year for retirement, when instead you could work less and do more service and since you must put faith in the GB and take what they say as from Jehovah himself, it would of been a lack of faith. In the early christian congregation, they took care of their own. Because she put faith in them, she has nothing, she needs help, and they won't help at all. But those responsible, the GB, they have all their bills, medical and everything taken care of, they don't suffer for their human mistake. Now look up the most recent generation teaching, can you find any scriptures or anything to make you believe that was really new light vs them making up another interpretation? They even apostasied against themself because in 1994 or around that time, they released a WT saying that it was wrong from the start to try to predict or put anything based on a timeline and generation, and the blame was put on everybody, it said, "jehovah's witnesses being too eager to see the fullfillment". So my mother is blamed for being too eager, when still today they publish articles asking everything to be taking as from Jehovah himself. Then they put out new light, after previously saying it's wrong to put a date to the generation, to now say it 'obviously and evidently' meant overlapping generations. It DID NOT 'obvisouly or evidently' mean anything of the sort.

    I understand past mistakes and I was willing to accept that as well. But not when nothing has changed and still doing it. But that was not the reason either, I found a LOT of things in the bible they are teaching that amount to spiritism, idolatry, and abusing Jehovah's people. If you want to see in the scriptures how on current teachings you would be guilty of that let me know and I'll message you. I can post is here as well if you want. I would love really to hear your thoughts on it.

  • Recovery

    Yes, jwfacts claims to present the facts about Jehovah's Witnesses, so therefore everything on the website must be factual. On this forum we are encouraged to examine/scrutizine every little statement/picture in the WT publications, so I am simply holding the author to the same standards the members of this board hold the WT.

    As I said, discussing this website is very time efficient, as it contains most ex JW arguments from many sources consolidated into one.

  • Recovery

    Can anyone answer these questions:

    How can the anointed, immortal anointed ones who are not subject to the physical realm and its effects experience these things in a FUTURE SENSE.

    How can those who are immortal be guided to the fountains of waters of life?

    How will they 'no longer hunger or thirst or experience the heat from the sun' anymore when they have HEAVENLY, SPIRITUAL, IMMORTAL BODIES?

    How WILL God wipe out every tear from their eyes when they are already in heaven with incorruptible, immortal spiritual bodies?

    This is directed to all those who hold the view that the great crowd is in heaven and not on earth.

  • EndofMysteries

    ratherbehades - I believe in both. God would have created the family or the starting point of many animals and life. Then they evolve based on habitat, etc, also genetic code to allow variety, etc, when reproducing.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    so they've been wrong before. how do you know they are not wrong now?

    they've DECEIVED before. how do you know they are not deceiving now?

    really, they've come up with a beautiful cover that's very tough for the indocrinated to break. from personal experience, i know this and can empathize. the admission of former mistakes makes it SEEM as though they are honest, but is that really the case?

    consider all those who left in 1919 or so. they bought into the hype, truly believed and the prophetic times come and go.

    only to later say that those who left were weak and foolish for believing in the hype and that they had no faith.

    consider how they were buying real estate in 1975, while encouraging and stoking the flames of that prophecy.

    once again, only to later say that those who left were weak and foolish for believing in the hype and that they had no faith.

    those are NOT admissions of guilt.

    the covington trial, 99% of jws have NEVER heard of this. that's not honest in the least bit. had i seen that, even as a child i would have snapped out of the fog in a split second.

    then there's the dorman court documents. that is downright scary.

  • Recovery

    I do not wish to engage in such a discussion about 1975/my personal life/1919/wrong teachings by the WT/Gilead/etc etc etc.

    When people attempt to go off topic, I will simply just repost the questions that continue to go unanswered.

  • mrsjones5

    What comes around goes around...

  • sabastious

    Can we please delete this guy? He has already been shown to have multiple accounts and is doing nothing but trying to bring up programming in vulnerable lurkers and bash respectable researchers. We have a responsibility as a community to those people because we KNOW that they can be triggered by what this cult drone is doing. He came here under pretense, he never was an apostate, that's a complete lie on his part and the ONLY reason why we gave him the time of day in the beginning. We have been had by a sick and twisted mind. DELETE! Obviously this community cannot help ourselves but feed trolls like this. We have given him his time, time to throw him out.


  • mrsjones5

    Report him to the mods.

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