Right on the money as usual Oubliette! Sadly the WTS is very good at what they do. They have wriggled their way in between the people and Jesus. "Jesus is the way, and the truth, and the light, yes! And we are the way to Jesus!" Rinse, repeat.
I thought this was interesting from yesterday: When I sent friend requests to my two mates (who we will call Kevin and James) the response was interesting. After a year and a half of no contact, Kevin accepted my request within 20 minutes and sent me a message that said "Hi Winston your friend request was a surprise. I hope everything is okay?" and then about a minute later "OMG I just read your message! Are you serious? You just made my day!" And from there were blabbed all afternoon.
Remember when I sent my message to my JW frieds on Facebook, and they silently unfriended me? Well, here is someone who has been out of contact for a long time, and their first thought, before they even read the reason for my message, was "are you okay?"
Good to know who your real friends are.