This is why I love the WT they always got something in print to make their members look stupid-
this is why they are forbidden to be on sites like this, most don't know what their faith has said on an issue
so they go forth JAW BONING ONLY TO HAVE THE WT actually have something in print that shows just how goofy they and their members are in their attempts to explain goofy stuff
Here we go yall:
Friday says:
"I'm amazed that you think you've got the right to carry through with #2."
And what does #2 say:
-- 2) You mentioned the desire to "voice that belief", meaning that you want others in the Congregation to know that you developed the belief that the witnesses don't have the truth.
but what happens if you CAN SHOW THAT THE JW DON'T HAVE THE TRUTH ON A MATTER --well the wt says:
"It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false." (WT 11/15/1963 p. 688)
Or suppose you find out that a dogma like "god promised before the 1914 gen die off" is a lie, what should you do
Well the wt tells us:
"If you find a lie, forsake it regardless of who teaches it; it is your duty to God" (RICHES p. 178)
NOTICE THEY SAID "A LIE" not 2 or 3 or a half dozen lies, but "A LIE"
NOW they go on to give EXCLELLENT ADVICE too bad jw are not allowed to apply it for the wt says:
"If you have been in an organization that teaches things contrary to God's Word, forsake it."
RICHES p. 179)
But of course none of those rules above apply to the WT for they say:
"Do not criticize the organization. If Jehovah permits it,( EVEN IT IT IS A LIE I GUESS) who are we to insist it should be different? (WT 5/1/1957 p.284)
man let me tell you when you show stuff like this to NONJW they fall out, at the thought that a religion has 2 SETS OF RULES
I love it