Faith... and Trust: The Same Things?

by AGuest 452 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm



    Just trying to keep the playing field level. But you go ahead and use whatever evidence you want. You will not make a case for 'cult', because there is no cult.

    Anyway, here is my second try on 'enough said'.



    I am not making a case for a cult.

  • tec

    Cool, then.



  • cofty

    Who is 'we'?

    Rational people.

  • tec

    LOL... I knew you were going to say that.


    adjective 1. agreeable to reason; reasonable; sensible: a rational plan for economic development. 2. having or exercising reason, sound judgment, or good sense: a calm and rational negotiator. 3. being in or characterized by full possession of one's reason; sane; lucid : The patient appeared perfectly rational. 4. endowed with the faculty of reason: rational beings. 5. of, pertaining to, or constituting reasoning powers: the rational faculty. .

    . Nice of you to exclude everyone of faith from the above descriptions. Very black and white, Cofty. Peace, tammy
  • cofty

    Most people of faith would also reject Shelby's outrageous claims.

  • tec

    Does that mean you are making a distinction now between religion and faith?



  • bohm

    perhaps we could also try to nail down the "we" Aguest used to list the 7 definitions of the "household"?


  • cofty

    Does that mean you are making a distinction now between religion and faith?


    I am commenting on Shelby's religion that takes the irrational to a whole new level.

  • tec

    So then your statement really was... when lots of people like you share 'it' together, we call it "Shelby's religion"?

    That doesn't sound very rational to me. Which just brings us right back to the beginning. And I think you miss the importance of #1 in that list above. Some people will show the same beliefs, understandings, etc... because they are following the same person. You simply cannot accept that this person is Christ. Becasue He does not exist to you. So you have to find another explanation, because you cannot accept the first. But even without acknowledging the first, you still cannot even accept that some people might be drawn together because they see/hear/understand the same things, and are of/follow the same spirit.

    It is "Shelby's followers"... or nothing. To you. Because you cannot (or do not want to) consider anything else.

    All right... third time's the charm ;)



  • Giordano

    There is no way of getting this thread back to the original question however I will interrupt the flow and actually deal with the question. Here is the difference between Faith and trust:

    Faith is a noun.

    It is something we HAVE... Trust is a verb.

    Trust is something we DO...

    The Great Blondin was a "daredevil" of sorts; a tightrope walker specifically.

    One of his greatest stunts, involved walking a tightrope high above the world famous Niagara Falls. Upon completing one attempt, he asked the crowd if they believed a second attempt would be a successful one. The crowd unanimously agreed it would. Always looking to better his last great feat, Blondin now asked the crowd if they believed he could cross the falls on the tightrope while pushing a wheelbarrow. Again, the response was unanimous, the crowd had no doubt. Before he set out on the rope, he had one last question for the crowd: "Which of you will ride in the wheelbarrow?" The crowd was frozen, silent. Not a single man or woman responded to his challenge... I have faith that the WTBTS can articulate their positions over and over again and do it skillfully but I would not climb into their wheelbarrow again because I don't trust them. While I can appreciate the faith based intentions of many of the posters on this forum 'Trust me" is the first thing you hear when someone wants to get you in the wheelbarrow.

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