Ditto to what Sab and Loz said here, and in the past as to this whole cult accusation. Enough said on that I think, because there is no evidence of a cult, and there really is no need to defend against something that has no evidence for it. Just seems like another attempt to dismiss. It also seems to me that someone said 'cult', and then everyone piled on. You will argue and say that it was all independent observation, but if you want me to respect that, then you need to do the same when it comes to people of faith sharing their faith. I have also noticed mannerisms and terms that are shared amongst atheists here. Does that make them a cult, or does that make them 'followers'?
In any case, time will tell... as Cofty said. Of course, its been more than a decade now, lol... and nothing has changed, other than that there is a forum for some to go and share faith without the scorn or insults or ridicule that can often accompany such discussions here. So at what point, does a person stop accusing of this? 20 years, 30 years? Just curious as to when we might see an end to such accusations.
As for calling someone a 'follower'... such a thing dismisses and disrespects their own mind, will, strength, faith, intelligence, etc. Some people are concerned and genuine, true. But they don't tend to keep saying it once it has been addressed, discussed, and refuted, not if they respect the person and the person respects them enough TO discuss it with them.
Phizzy... for being on topic and without derailment to other 'issues'
There is nothing we who are without faith can examine to test the truthfulness of their claims, hence our frustration that we are urged to "believe".
Why should we
I can't speak for anyone else, but I do not urge anyone to believe, certainly not based upon anything I have claimed. I witness to Christ, to my understanding, and also to the understanding that He has given me. But anyone who states that you should believe because of something they have claimed (even if they claim it is from Christ or God), is wrong to do so. IMO. Now, if you WANT to know about something, and you ARE seeking... the only one you should believe, go to, ask and listen to is Christ. If you do not have the faith for the Spirit right now, then you can still look to what we have written about Him to get some idea of Him. But again, that is only if you WANT to. If you do not want to, then no judgment, and no threats or force-feeding. Simply live and let live, and peace be with you.