No, not even then if God is so incomprehensible then direct experience would STILL make it unknowable.
I think that we can know God to a certain point via direct experience.
Not Know Him in "all His grandeur" but know enought to know He exists or perhaps even more.
I would think that a being of God' magnitude would accomodate itself to whom ever He is giving a direct expereince too.
HOWEVER, I do think that the person in question would probably have a very hard time conveying that experience to another, so the "message" form person A ( direct expereince) to person B ( no expereince) would have to be passed on with some sort of POR that A AND B may share/have in common and, IMO, that is what we find in the Bible.
An incomplete, accomodated, enironmentally-specififc, interpretation(S) of what/who God is and what God wants/thinks.
A message that can even be incorrect at times and a message in need (perhaps) of redemption.