A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?

by palmtree67 699 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chariklo

    I have to confess! I thought the Puppy was a lady too, Loz!

    But then, for a long time on here, when I first joined, people thought I was a bloke. ;)

    Bohm, thanks, I'm glad you weren't offended. I was responding to reproofs from other posters, and so was covering all bases.

    As to your post, well, I already answered it, further back up the thread. You quote that and say you see an act of division. I read again what I wrote and see again what I was talking about, which was how very weary one feels after bashing one's head against the metaphorical brick wall that appears so readily here. It's all a matter of individual perception, but it is very interesting to me that in the last few days I've had a number of very encouraging and supportive PM's from observers who just observe and form an opinion based on what they see here (they don't participate, but they are the ones who can be seen in the escalating page view numbers.)

    Anyway, I am delighted to see Hellpuppy here. His (I'm going to have to get used to thinking of him as a male puppy) contributions are always moderate and always worth reading. Good dog, Puppy, good dog.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It seems as tho the truce negotiations are taking longer than the Paris Peace Talks.

  • Chariklo

    No truce possible because there isn't a war! LOL!

  • palmtree67


    Do you have anything constructive to add to the OP?

    If it's not your type of topic, and you feel it's a useless thread (as you keep posting to point out), the solution to your problem seems obvious to me.

  • caliber

    A truce between Atheists and Non-Atheists?
    I will happen right after an "everlasting peace treaty" is signed between Hamas and Isreal
  • Chariklo

    Dear Palm, please do stop putting words in my mouth. I said "truce" was in inappropriate word as there isn't a war.

    I did not say it was not my type of topic.

    Do I have anything constructive to add to the OP? Many already think I have been doing just that, and as for me, I've certainly been trying to instil some logic into the whole thing!

    So, your point, Palm, was...?


    We don't so much fight, as wrestle with each other.

    And don't ya just love it

  • palmtree67


    And I also have explained twice now that "truce" wasn't the right wordfor the OP. We're trying to find a better way to debate/discuss.

    I asked you this the last time you posted here, and it was ignored, but I'll try again:

    You have plenty of criticism for the atheists, that much is quite clear. Is there anything that you can see the non-atheist crowd can improve on?

    If you don't see any way at all, and feel they are 100% in the right, well.....then that kind of illustrates the problem, does it not?

    There are good atheists and there are bad atheists.
    There are good believers and bad believers.

    So far, your only focus has been on "bad atheists/good believers", which is really a good chunk of the problem, and I think is what is giving rise to you being called an atheist-basher.

  • caliber
    There are good atheists and there are bad atheists.
    There are good believers and bad believers.
    So far, your only focus has been on "bad atheists/good believers", which is really a good chunk of the problem.

    Even John Wayne talked about good and Indians in the same sentence ......right ?

    I think it is normal to affirm those we truly admire.... and still show consideration to those whose core beliefs appear to run contrary to ours ..

    to ask anyone to compromise their convictions just to please us is asking too much IMO

  • Xanthippe

    Palm, life is hard enough without fighting over beliefs. Surely it is what people do, how they act that matters? I do think there should be a truce between atheist and non-atheists on this board. How can someone who used to be a JW and go d2d trying to convert people and putting up with all sorts of rudeness from people, then change their belief and be rude to people on this board who don't share the same ideas? Do we have such short memories?

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