If Jesus was the" Greatest Teacher" the" Son of God" then why ?...........

by smiddy 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    You might think it is an excuse, Satanus... but Christ said that it is the Spirit who will guide and teach us. One cannot understand the scriptures without the Spirit. Nowhere does He say that one cannot understand the Spirit without the scriptures.

    As to the rest, we know that would have happened, because it did (and does) happen with just the bible. People owning one were killed for it (or is that a lie?). The bible was read in latin (what purpose would that serve anyone who did not speak latin). It was a source of power... the 'word of god'. And it did give power to men who lorded that power over others. We also know that there are as many different interpretations of the written word as there are variations of christians. Some use those words to hate and to hurt; some use them to love and to show compassion.



  • xchange

    Tec - but Christ said that it is the Spirit who will guide and teach us (bold added by me)

    Where did Christ say this?

  • tec

    Well, I believe He said it to his apostles first in Jerusalem ;)

    Someone eventually wrote that down, along with some other things that he said.

    He still says that - and other things - now, in spirit.



  • Satanus

    Can't have just one OR the other. You must have both. But, since niether are trustworthy, you still are probably screwed up. No wonder you guys are always arguing. You are screwed, iether way. Poor jesus. He must be pulling out his hair.


  • tec

    Oh, I think Christ is well aware of what men would do ;)

    I also do think that some can have one or the other. We can't know that because that is not how history played out. If God and Christ are not real, then you can't have one OR the other. If they are real, then you can.



  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    The gospels were written down after the works attributed to Paul. Read through the works of Paul and find the quotes of Jesus or even a record of his deeds or miracles... You will be disappointed to note the very slim pickings on offer there by a foremost Christian. Strange how it was so jazzed up by the time the gospels were written down later on eh.

    It's all mostly made up by those who were already indoctrinated into the myths of the Jewish nation and it's holy books is the simple yet sad truth.

  • HintOfLime

    Another JW-specific critism...

    If Jesus was the "Great Teacher" then why does he need a "Listening to the Great Teacher" book to explain what he was trying to teach? If his message was clear and 'well taught', wouldn't just reading his words be enough?

    - Lime

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Good point HoL:

    Considering he is recorded as having spoken mostly in riddles and the crowds apparently didnt have a clue what he meant quite often, you have to conclude he wasnt a very good teacher at all.

    It's also interesting to note a lot of his supposed catch phrases and teachings (Golden Rule etc) were penned and used by others centuries before he supposedly even uttered them, so they cant even be said to be unique.

  • xchange

    Tec - Well, I believe He said it to his apostles first in Jerusalem ;)

    Someone eventually wrote that down, along with some other things that he said.

    He still says that - and other things - now, in spirit.

    And you know this with certainty?

  • tec

    I know that He speaks and teaches in spirit.

    I was not there in Jerusalem so as to know with certainty of what was said there, xchange...but I do know that what he was written to have said is true. So i have no reason not to think that those who wrote that down were wrong.



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