Yes, and the bible supports this......
Luke 21:24 - and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.
The nations or gentiles have an appointed time without God interferring to rule the world. So the only evidence and direct interaction with God would be a personal one during this time. A great faith in him, to help you learn, understand, to guide your life, to trust in him, etc. It's very very hard, especially for one raised as a JW when you had been told everything you had to do by a corrupt human who claimed to be the only one with the answers. (until 1970's all of the doctrines were controlled by the current president of the WT).
Some of my prayers seem to never go answered, but I trust he is guiding me, and years and years later I find that what i was praying for or what I wanted, would have been bad for me. It's hard to do but it has not ever failed me. If he didn't exist and didn't care, the things I had done in faith would have ruined me.
It grows the more and more you begin to trust him and the more and more you see how it doesn't fail. If you 'think' it's failing or things are not being answered, try to keep a humble attitude about it that perhaps you do not know what will happen if what you ask for was given to you. In addition to living this life, if we allow ourselves to be taught, sometimes things happen to us to teach us and perfect us. If you were judging somebody or a type of person, you may find yourself in their sames shoes and suddenly you see how you were wrong and that experience has refined the person you are.
And hopefully my example will make sense for why he isn't making himself known in our faces, not only does that make sense, but in the scriptures it says the gentiles/nations rule for AN APPOINTED TIME. It is also a fact that what we are crying and complaining about or the reasons for not believing in God, he did the very things we are asking but the ancient world believed they knew better and wanted human kings.
So right now humanity is learning it the hard way, we do not know better then God and having human rulers, whether religious or over the land, eventually all become corrupt.