my son grab my phone and wifey seen this site. on for a second she was mad. led into arugment today. she keeps threating me (not physical) but emotional. i gave her the example of the mormon reading other religous mags about his religion. she said good because the mormons go outside the bible.and i told her i agree and so do jws ,she says well she just waiting on jehovah.ahh i hate the double standards jehovah is not going to change what the bible says. so anyway make along story short she keeps mentioning a break. dont know if she will go through with it.
more wifey issues. she seen my phone and this web site was op
by unstopableravens 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh, Ravens, that sounds a bit like what might turn out to be a crisis for you.
Perhaps she'll step back from it, or perhaps you'll find some way of saying something that will make her stop and think.
Let us know what happens, won't you, and good luck!
yeah i will my three year old doesnt want to go to hall, she is blaming me. she does not like the hall because he can play he doesnt know it a cult. everything is my fault according to her.its frustrating because i had got a job as a cop(past everthing and finshed final interveiw about a year ago) and turned it down because she was not comfortable with me doing. and this is how she talks to me. i feel so sick in my stomach.
he not she (my son) lol
*sigh* Unstop, I don't know your story or situation in full, but your wife has been taught by the WT that emotional terrorism is the way to control everyone. The tool of withholding affection and love to force everyone in line is sanctioned by her religion. But she can't make you believe what you no longer believe---don't know why she thinks she can. You may want to say that to her, if you reach a point where you are discussing it.
So it's only natural that her first reflex is to use WT approved tactics to try and push you in line and control you. So let it cool down. She did what she was programmed to do, but with some thought, she very well make back off that threat. Afterall, she has no grounds, and that should sink in soon. Yet in the end, the WT rips families apart. Whe may decide she doesn't want to be with someone whose goals are so drastically opposed to hers, and the WT reinforces that this she be at the top of her mind at all times. They don't encourage her to find other places to nurture and find common ground, but make getting you back in the fold her top priority by far.
Sounds like you are in for some difficult times, but nobody can tell you the outcome. Just go in with you eyes open and be the best that you can be. And that's all you can really do.
thanks new chapter. its so hard because i truly love her and its like she does not care about what i think. in fact she has told me that striaght up. to be honest i have never meet you in person new chapter but even when we were dicussing our different views about god/athiest view, i felt you at least cared what i thought. she rejects everything i say because it not wt thinking. so wow its a bad feeling not being respected.
I truly hate the idea that waiting on Jehovah is the only option. In the Bible there is no indication that Jehovah appreciated apathy and blind acceptance of what was wrong. He didn't hold back from punnishing the nation of israel for blindly following their religious leaders. JWs use the line in the same way small children put their fingers in their ears to block out unpleasant information.
She is your wife and it is natural that you love her but she is also controled by the society. Ask her to prove her statement that it is better to wait on Jehovah. Ask her if she dislikes a statement you make to prove it is untrue. If she won't defend her faith then what is it really worth? Don't press her too much as she will cling to what she knows she won't be able to help herself.
i know faith is not faith if you will not believe what he says. shes know jesus is not micheal but she says god will strightin it out!
I let my mom use my laptop to make a call while we were overseas, and I completely forgot if I was on JWN earlier and left it open. I think my heart could have powered our entire hotel room... that's how nervous I was. Fortunately, if she read any of the comments, they either weren't saying anything that would raise a red flag, or she's harbouring those thoughts to use as ammunition later on. This was about 4 months ago though, so I doubt that the latter is the case.
thanks new chapter. its so hard because i truly love her
Yes well for her she must love Jehovah more than anything or anyone. For a JW that also translates into ceasing to love some. Most of us can spread our love around, give more to some, less to others, but JW's find themselves in the either/or situations. Her kind of devotion is destructive, and maybe she will see that. You are the head of the household, within her context, and therefore the head of your child. How you balance that out will be specific to your situation, but you don't have to support your son being indoctrinated. Teach him critical thinking. Ask him truly open ended questions (and NOT the leading questions Caleb's Mom uses--LOL) His best protection is critical thinking, and parents should think of that as a skill they must teach their children---along with making their beds and doing their homework. It should top the list.