close call bro.glad nothing came of it! it sucks to have family issues.
more wifey issues. she seen my phone and this web site was op
by unstopableravens 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm glad too. I hate close calls... I don't want to be exposed like that until I'm ready. But your situation is potentially much worse than mine.
all i know is it is very very hard. im not going to compare to anyone elses situation,we all have it rough in some way.
Think About It
I think some JW wifes would be more upset finding JWN on their husbands phones than a strange woman's number.
i know what your saying i think she would have been less mad if i had a porn on the phone lol
Think About It
My son seen me of JWN and thought it was pro-JW. He thought I was interested in going back to that bat-shit crazy cult after being out for many years. LOL
ha i guess he was wrong lol
Cold Steel
It's unfortunate when religion becomes an issue in a marriage. To you, you're investigating the Society's teachings in a biblical light. But remember, to her you're endangering both your and her future, and the future of however many children you have and intend to have. I know this may not be what you want to hear, but you may have to just back off and be as happy as you can be as a Jehovah's Witness. The alternative is domestic tension and possible divorce. The question is, can you live and be happy as a JW? Can you enjoy the meetings and the field work? Because let's face it, field work isn't what it was. The JWs that work my area don't even try to get their foot in the door like they did years ago. Just a few days ago two very nicely dressed JWs dropped by, handed me a Watchtower and Awake!, wished me the best and *poof*...were gone. Years ago they would have tried to arrange a Bible study with me!
I'm not like others who think JWs are going to Hell. And if I loved my wife and children, I wouldn't bail out of it just because you had issues with doctrine or the theology posse at Bethel. But doesn't the religion have something to say about honoring one's husband? If your wife is constantly nagging you, making your life miserable and threatening you, such marriages don't bode well for the future, anyway. So if you're looking for a way out, you're on the right track.
If your wife is exceedingly loyal to the church, she may be feeling insecure by your doubts. After all, if you leave the church, you will give up all your chances to be resurrected and you won't get to live with her forever on Earth. Add to that the humiliation of having an apostate husband and you can see she's got a lot to lose, especially if her family are JWs.
She keeps mentioning a break, don't know if she wil go through with it.
You might remind her that according to JW belief, if she leaves you without scriptural grounds and you wind up in a "relaionship" with another woman, she is also guilty for having put you in that position by leaving her marriage mate. If you refrain from talking about"apostate" topics with her, she won't have any just reason to leave.
Generally, the advice has been to go really slow, in the questioning of the wt. Just bring up a question, now and then. Also, give a lot of reassurance that everything will be ok, that you're not going to turn into a raving maniac just cuz you may not continue wt belief. Think long term, as in yrs.
If she catches on this site or w apostate stuff, instaed of going on the attack, play it down, or claim it was an accident or something. Save your antiwt work on her for another time.