Bassed on thise photos, are we to believe that America is the country with the gun problem???
"Right to bear arms" should mean ...
by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics
Is this what you want to see in our public school system.
Bassed on thise photos, are we to believe that America is the country with the gun problem???
Of course not. But do you want your kids to grow up like these kids thinking that guns and killing are as American as apple pie?
Low-Key Lysmith
Nope. And they won't. Pretty sure 99.99% of Americans find these photos and what they represent abhorable.
Any American that doesn't have a gun is not a true patriot.
all those sawed off assault guns makes me think a black powder musket in every house just won't be a viable militia-
Those are pictures from a country where people find it adorable...
Low-Key Lysmith
Those are pictures from a country where people find it adorable...
Yep. But Americans are the barbarians with the gun problem.
sammie said: If you need a gun because you somehow believe the 2nd ammendment means you can protect your property - fine. One gun, registered, insured and kept in the house for security - not with a thousand rounds of ammo and a machine gun
Amen sammie.
Low-Key Lysmith
Your ignorance discredits your points.
Nobody has a machine gun in their house.