Are you talking to me Low-Key?
"Right to bear arms" should mean ...
by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics
Low-Key Lysmith
No. I'm addressing the ridiculous thought by sammieswife that you reposted. Her use of the words "machine gun" are inflamitory, sensationalistic, inaccurate, and ridiculous.
The view of the 'talking heads' in Australia is that nothing will change in the U.S. The Republicans will ultimately block any changes in gun control laws. So you can all relax- until next time...
Sorry, I didn't notice the "machine gun" part. However, people do apparently purchase and keep semi-automatic rifle in their homes which is what this guy used (in addition to the pistols he used). It's now coming to light that he had hundreds of rounds of ammo----something that no one needs to keep in their house unless they're planning on pulling something like this.
Your ignorance discredits your points.
Nobody has a machine gun in their house
The facts: Automatic weapons, whether semi-automatic or fully automatic, are legal in much of the country. Semi-automatic weapons account for about 15 percent of the more than 250 million privately owned firearms in the United States, according to the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Fully automatic weapons are legal in most states, but require an extensive federal background check and a permit from the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, the NRA said.
Low-Key Lysmith
A semi-auto rifle is a far, far cry from a machine gun. Not even close.
And who are you to lecture on how many rounds of ammunition a person should be allowed to possess legally? In case you didn't know, a gun is just a club without ammo. 10 rounds? 50? 100?
Low-Key Lysmith
her ignorance "who"?
nobody has "what"?
How about your ignorance? A semi-auto firearm is not an automatic weapon. They are two separate classifications and definitions.
If you anti-gun freaks want people to take you seriously, how about doing a little research and educating yourselves a little?