I Got disfellowshiped..wana die!

by Chichi89 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome Chi!

    What you are now experiencing is how this cult works. This is extremely painful for you AND THEY WANT IT TO BE PAINFUL FOR YOU! JWs aren't about love, they are about control, fear, and even hate. It is common operating procedure for this religion to rip families apart and ruin lives. Now you can see it for what it is.

    And this feeling that you feel like you want to die, it is something that the WT religion has programmed into you. It is an indoctrinated "self-destruct" mechanism when you distance yourself from them. They have taught you that without them, your life is meaningless and not worth living. But it is all a lie that they have taught you. I can tell you from my personal experience that my life has begun since I got away from the WT poison controlling my life. It hasn't been an "easy" journey, but it has certainly been worth it.

    Best wishes to you. Don't give up on life! Life after WT is even more precious.

  • smiddy

    Whatever you do ...don`t die ..."worse things happen at sea " Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities and new life ,time heals everything just give yourself the time you need to heal and take encouragement from those who want to help you through this.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    You will be more welcome here than you ever will be in a kingdom hall.

    here, it does not matter what you do in life nor what you believe

    there, they only 'love' you when you do and think exactly what you are told.

    Yes you are heartbroken but you will mend, do not die. If you had 'worldly' friends before, you can get more. Let me tell you a liitle about my life. I was disfellowshipped, i lost my wife, rarely saw my children and every friend i ever had made in 30 years. I had to start again with not one single person who was a friend. I went out and found true friends. It did not happen overnight, it took quite a while. I never went back to a kingdom hall again.

    You must get it out of your head that you are a sinner. Sin is an outdated notion used by religion to control peoples minds and actions, you are 'normal' and desire normal things, such as the relationship with your Boyfriend.

    You will note almost no support here for going back to the Jehovahs Witnesses, pretty much all on here have seen the Watchtower society for what they are.

    You should use this time to learn about the real watchtower...


  • Chichi89


    i hve read each one of your posts.pondered on them all...THNKYOU..its amazing how people who may never meet be so caring..

    i wish i knew u were out there..i wish i could reply to each .........i feel a whole better today....with your hepl and my significant other has been a great help..i get depression clouds over every now and then a suicidal thot crosses my mind...but am coping.one breath at a time..

    i hve a rough raod ahead but am not giving up....

    ill keep u posted on how life after beimg disfellowship is....

    being a witness is all i hver known..my belifs affect by way of life...everting.wat and how i eat,recreate,seek companionship ,how i spend my free time,who i love ...th list is endless..very often am judgemental others who dont do thinks i i hve known o believed should be done bt th past years my significant other has helpd become more open minded and look at life through diffrent eye..............

    i miss my fellow witness friends alot....bt now i doubt all tht unconditional love thy claimed to hve for me...i plan to marry my significant other..thinking of how my family members will not be there for it all breaks my heart..n makes me cry i hope love does conquer all

    i spoke to my mum ysterday an she has been very understandung shockingly!!coz she was th most religious in th family..bt i gues she knws better wat am goin thru coz she was DF'd ryt about my age..for 2 years..for similar reasons..my dad was a non witness..he is now bt not very active.....

    my siblings are both reg pioneers

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    So good to see you are still with us

    being a witness is all i hver known..my belifs affect by way of life...everting.wat and how i eat,recreate,seek companionship ,how i spend my free time,who i love ...th list is endless..

    This should be telling you something Chichi...what are your own words telling you?


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Chichi!!! So glad and relieved to see you back.

    Thats great that your mum has been understanding. She obviously really loves you. And her past experience is invaluable when it comes to understanding how you are feeling.

    Keep us informed how you are getting on.

    And don't forget some of the suggestions here to research the history of the Watch tower society.

    I think someone has already suggested www.jwfacts.com . I also recommend it as a great place to learn things you may never have heard of.

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life....breathe...and enjoy. There is so much to learn and so little time.

  • Xanthippe

    Hope you're doing OK Chichi. Let us know how you're getting on.

  • jookbeard

    your among friends here Chichi, I know its not much consolation being based where you are, I was deceitfully DA'ed by the lies and dishonesty of the elders in my cong, and the first few months were very tough, try to be strong, praying to Jeehovah or the Devil will make zero difference in any way shape or form, but you are in our thoughts.

  • Pickler

    Chichi, it may not seem it, it you have a chance to create a new, better life. One where you are free to make real friends, find love, have a career, a family. This is just a "bump" in your road, though it is very tough at the time, everyone on this site is cheering for you.

    Im sorry this has happened to you.

    Smile, and get out there, look around ..... Who knows what you'll find.....

  • Zordino

    Just stay calm Chici. I've almost commited suicide when I left the religion for a while. I was only 19 years old back then. Try to talk to some people about your feelings. You have many people here on this site who have been through what you are going through. You can get a lot of support here.

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