No, Paul did not say that. Though it has been interpreted by some AS that. Which is a lie, and one that causes people to think that God through His Son (the Holy Spirit) can not and does not speak to us.
by scotoma 153 Replies latest jw friends
No, Paul did not say that. Though it has been interpreted by some AS that. Which is a lie, and one that causes people to think that God through His Son (the Holy Spirit) can not and does not speak to us.
Here's a universe model for you, prologos. An endless cycle of expansion and contraction.
Apog: Signing our DNA would indicate that someone had access to our genetic code a long time ago. Of course 100% accurate detailed unambiguous fullfillment of prophecy would be significant.
But what can you say about a book that is based on ignorance of the reproductive process in animals. The Bible thought that males squirted a little person (male or female) into the womb and that the woman was merely soil in which the seed grew. Women were fertile or infertile and had no genetic influence on offspring. They had no knowledge of female "eggs".
Not to disagree, but where does the Bible indicate that, scotoma?
Apog: The Bible doesn't say what it doesn't say. Here is the state of reproductive knowledge in the early 1800's
French chemist Jean-Louis Prévost and Swiss physician Jean-Baptiste Dumas show that sperm are the active agents of fertilization in sexual reproduction. The two researchers notice that spermatozoa are present in sexually mature males across all species, but absent in males that have not yet reached sexual maturity. They also notice that mules do not produce sperm, which explains their sterility. Prevost and Dumas correctly theorize that sperm enters the egg during sexual reproduction. This speculation would be confirmed by Martin Barry in 1843. Prior to Prevost and Dumas’ findings, it was widely believed that sperm were either preformed embryos or parasites that live in semen.
People don't realize the advances in knowledge in just the last 200 years. The Bible is based on all humans being inside Adam when he sinned and therefore they all sinned and have to die.
Every human bone found before 6000 bce is a witness against the bible idea of original sin. Ancient bones = Ancient deaths.
jgnat: thank you. for the cute cube. In a way this more complicated idea underpins my thought: Times is eternal. Time existed before the present universe. Time by itself is stationary. it is space or the substance in it that moves. expands.
In the pulsating universe you showed, there is constant acceleration +&- . that is a function of time to the second power,-- Time that can NOT be pulsating at the same rate, or there would be no effect, nothing to measure against.
so, the Universe, pulsating or starting from scratch to expand, requires there Had to be time TIME before the (last) Big Bang.
A contracting Universe would not be reversing into the still existing past, like a film played backward. the past is gone, only fossils remaining. light is the oldest fossil of everything. that is why
The DNA and any message in it (the above topic) has to be replicated to be carried into the future by the new offspring, improved we hope, by our wise choices of mates.
keep informing us.
God did make a statement about DNA in Genesis. There is a story where Jacob makes a request with his father in law, asking if he can have all the spotted baby sheep. Ill let you read thes tory from the Bible. Its obvious that the author has no knowledge of how genetics really work, and Jacobs scientific method is basically nonsense. God of course fails here because he provides this text as a flawed example of how to control breading animals.
nd he added: “Stipulate your wages to me and I shall give them.” 29 So he said to him: “You yourself must know how I have served you and how your herd has fared with me; 30 that it was little that you actually had before my coming, and it went expanding to a multitude, in that Jehovah blessed you since I stepped in. So now when am I to do something also for my own house?”
31 Then he said: “What shall I give you?” And Jacob went on to say: “You will give me nothing whatsoever! If you will do this thing for me, I shall resume shepherding your flock. I shall continue guarding it. 32 I will pass among your whole flock today. You set aside from there every sheep speckled and with color patches, and every dark-brown sheep among the young rams and any color-patched and speckled one among the she-goats. Hereafter such must be my wages. 33 And my right-doing must answer for me on whatever future day you may come to look over my wages; every one that is not speckled and color-patched among the she-goats and dark brown among the young rams is something stolen if it is with me.”
34 To this La′ban said: “Why, that is fine! Let it be according to your word.” 35 Then he set aside on that day the he-goats striped and color-patched and all the she-goats speckled and color-patched, every one in which there was any white and every one dark brown among the young rams, but he gave them over into the hands of his sons. 36 After that he set a distance of three days’ journey between himself and Jacob, and Jacob was shepherding the flocks of La′ban that remained over.
Ummmm... perhaps you miss the "trick" Jacob played on Laban, dear mp (peace to you!)? He actually did utilize a knowledge of DNA here. Maybe you think the point was that spotted/striped sheep can't procreate unspotted/striped sheep? I dunno. But the issue wasn't really the sheeps' appearance - that was just the decoy (what would tell Laban that Jacob was being "dishonest" with him). The issue was the HEALTH of the sheep, EVEN spotted/striped. Having already increased Laban's flocks, Jacob was a master shepherd. He simply used the same technique in multiplying HIS flocks that he used to multiply Laban's:
Although Laban separated his sheep from Jacob's and gave them to his sons, Jacob still watched over them ALL. And so when ALL of the sheep came to drink, he would "fence" off the stronger sheep so that they mated with the stronger of either flock: his OR Laban's. He thereafter kept their offspring for himself... thus multiplying HIS sheep and creating a strong line (which produced more sheep!). The weaker sheep, however, he did NOT fence off, but let them mate with Laban's sheep... and so Laban's flock continue as a weak line... which DIDN'T procreate as much.
Jacob was a VERY smart man, very shrewd... as shown by him tricking his brother, Esau, out of that one's birthright. What he did here is, rather than allowing Laban to PAY him a certain amount of wages for all of his work for that one... he simply took the strongest of Laban's sheep... and from those created for himself an even stronger... and vaster... flock. While Jacob may not have known specifically was "DNA" was, he certainly knew that strong sheep breed strong sheep... and weak sheep breed weak sheep. Even horse and dog breeders know this.
You should probably read the entire account as if you do you will see that Jacob's "scientific" method actually worked for him... and very well.
A doulos of Christ,
In the pulsating universe you showed, there is constant acceleration +&- . that is a function of time to the second power,-- Time that can NOT be pulsating at the same rate, or there would be no effect, nothing to measure against.
Or.....time is not constant depending upon how you move through space. This is a well known phenomena, well known for almost 100 years. Seriously, quit invoking math and physics you don't understand.
entirely possible, thank you. you said: "-- spacetime is a single thing, it moves together--" not so, because:
as you look at the bachground radiation from the cooling after the Big Bang. 13 billion (light) years agao. it is space that has expanded, time has not.
1 second duration then had very high energy, many cycles of vibrations.=frequency, temperature.
Now space has stretched, and that some 1 second now has a very low frequency/ energy level frequency in its duration*
at the speed of the propagation of that radiation, time is constant.
space expands with time, time remains constant.
I wish you would refrain from grading your fellow contributors.
Even the best minds are far from truly and fully understanding it all.
Thank you, and always enjoying your pertinent observations.
*duration of time. from the french Dur=hard, an unchanging, resisting entity. Objects at high speed and high gravity travel slower through time. at c, ( a hard constant) travel through space, travel through time =0